The curriculum consists of 4 courses for a total of 240 credits and has an academic validity similar to the old Bachelor's degree. All the subjects are semestral, except for the thesis, which is annual. The required courses are designed to provide a basic training in philosophy, which is precisely the purpose of the degree. With the courses programmed here, our curriculum is also in line with the "Libro Blanco" or Plan of Philosophy, agreed upon in 2006 by the Philosophy Faculties in Spain, which facilitates the mobility of students between different universities.

The first and second courses are devoted to basic training. They include philosophical subjects and subjects from other areas of the humanities, in order to facilitate the transfer of students who, having started the Philosophy degree, decide to transfer to other areas of the humanities, since their credits will be recognized within the same branch of knowledge: Anthropology, Art, Geography and History, Philology and Sociology. For this reason, in the basic training of the first and second courses, there are subjects such as "Antropología Social" (I and II), two histories, one of ancient and medieval and the other of modern and contemporary, and an art course entitled "Últimas tendencias del Arte".  The philosophical subjects are "Historia de la Filosofía Antigua" (I and II), "Ética" (I and II), and finally, from the 2019-2020 academic year, an "Introducción al pensamiento científico".  All these courses are of 6 credits, as established by Royal Decree 1393/2007, which regulates university education, while the other courses are semester courses of 5 credits, in order to leave room for optional subjects that always enrich the educational offer. Among these, there is the possibility of taking a classical and a modern language.

The aim of the Philosophy curriculum presented here is to transmit the important heritage of knowledge acquired by philosophical thought, to introduce students to the issues it addresses, to make them aware of its topicality and to initiate them actively in the formation of their own philosophical reflection. The aim is to provide students with sufficient knowledge of philosophical methods to enable them to critically approach texts and problems independently, and to know how to use the sources and tools for searching and selecting the bibliography they need at any given time. Students must demonstrate the ability to engage in dialogue, to understand different arguments, and to analyze and reflect. They must acquire the necessary skills to organize their work and form their own judgement, as well as fluency, clarity and coherence in the expression of the same issues and their own position.

The Philosophy Degree Plan presented here aims to transmit the important heritage of knowledge acquired by philosophical thought, to introduce students to the issues addressed by it, to raise the topicality of the same and to initiate them actively in the formation of their own philosophical reflection. This is intended to provide students with sufficient knowledge of philosophical methods to enable them to 
The general objectives of this Degree Plan respond to the scope of the basic university training which, starting from the studies already carried out by the students in their previous stage or Secondary Education, must qualify them for the professional application of philosophical knowledge, for personal reflection on reality and action, as well as to introduce them to research in a Master's Degree and a Doctorate. It is also a primary objective of this Degree Plan the philosophical training in democratic values and principles and human rights, and that in line with the provisions of Royal Decree 1393/2007 of October 29. It is the express purpose of this Degree Plan to contribute to the knowledge and development of Human Rights, democratic principles, the principles of equality between women and men, solidarity, environmental protection, universal accessibility and design for all, and the promotion of the culture of peace.

From the 2019-2020 academic year, there will be some minor changes in the curriculum to reflect the experience of the first years of the degree. These consist mainly in the inclusion of the subject "Introducción al pensamiento científico", which will be introduced as a basic course in the first year, and the change of the subject "Filosofía de la Historia" from optional to compulsory. "Introducción a la teoría literaria" y "Filosofía de la religion II" will become electives. The rest of the changes are minor, since they only imply that some subjects change semester or course, without affecting the content of these subjects, and since in any case they continue to count in the calculation of the credits of the students who have already passed them.

During the academic years 2019/20, 2020/21 and 2021/22, students who are already studying the old plan and who have passed 180 credits or more will automatically continue in this plan, although all those who have passed credits can continue in this plan during the period of extinction, if they wish. In any case, as of the academic year 2022/23, all students in the degree program will be required to take the requirements of the new plan (basically, they will be required to take the new subject of Basic Education (compulsory), "Introducción al pensamiento científico", and "Filosofía de la Historia", which will also become compulsory, having previously been optional).

List of degree modifications taking effect in 2019-2020:


It changes from Elective to Compulsory or Basic Training:

  • Filosofía de la Historia.

It changes from Compulsory or Basic Training to Elective:

  • Filosofía de la Religión II.
  • Introducción a la Teoría Literaria.

It disappears:

  • Teoría de la Argumentación.

New subject:

  • Introducción al Pensamiento Científico: nueva asignatura de Formación Básica, 1er semestre del 1er curso.

Subjects that change course or semester

  • Filosofía de la Historia: from a 4th year elective, 1st semester, to a mandatory 3rd year elective, 2nd semester.
  • Filosofía de la Religión II: from compulsory 3rd year, 2nd semester, to 4th year elective, 1st semester.
  • Introducción a la Teoría Literaria: from a 1st year Basic Training to a 4th year elective, remaining in the 2nd semester.
  • Teoría del Conocimiento I: from 2nd to 1st year, remaining in the 1st semester.
  • Historia General de la Ciencia I:  from 2nd to 1st year, and from 1st semester to 2nd semester.
  • Teoría del Conocimiento II: from 2nd to 1st year, remaining in the 2nd semester.
  • Últimas Tendencias del Arte: from 1st to 2nd year, remaining in the 1st semester.
  • Historia Antigua y Medieval: from 1st to 2nd year, remaining in the 1st semester.
  • Historia Moderna y Contemporánea: from 1st to 2nd year, remaining in the 2nd semester.