asignatura master 2025
Curso 2024/2025 Código Asignatura: 26600059
Guía de la Asignatura Curso 2024/2025
- Primeros Pasos
- Presentación y contextualización
- Requisitos y/o recomendaciones para cursar esta asignatura
- Equipo docente
- Horario de atención al estudiante
- Competencias que adquiere el estudiante
- Resultados de aprendizaje
- Contenidos
- Metodología
- Sistema de evaluación
- Bibliografía básica
- Bibliografía complementaria
- Recursos de apoyo y webgrafía
Código Asignatura: 26600059
La guía de la asignatura ha sido actualizada con los cambios que aquí se mencionan.
CÓDIGO | 26600059 |
CURSO ACADÉMICO | 2024/2025 |
Nº ECTS | 6 |
HORAS | 150 |
This teaching guide includes general information about the subject “European Single Market: Integration and Convergence”. However, it is mandatory to follow the course through the virtual platform, for further details on this subject and process of monitoring. The virtual platform will be also used to facilitate communication with faculty.
The establishment of a common market was one of the original purposes of the so-called European Economic Community. For this reason, within a Master in European Union and, especially, within the line of Economics and Political it is necessary to study the Single Market as a promoter element of economic activity and integration, since the internal market is essential in the process of European economic integration.
In this course attention is paid, among other things, the fundamental elements of the Single Market: fundamental freedoms, the operating rules of the Single Market and Economic and Monetary Union. Likewise, the analysis of economic integration, especially through economic convergence, is part of the content of this matter.
In addition to the specific requirements to access the Master in European Union, it is necessary that the student be able to read articles and documentation at least in English. It is also recommended that the student be able to handle some basic statistical tool.
Also, to use the distance learning methodology of the UNED, it is necessary that the student has basic computer knowledge.
Nombre y apellidos | VICTOR MANUEL GONZALEZ SANCHEZ (Coordinador de Asignatura) |
Correo electrónico | |
Teléfono | 91398-8476 |
Departamento | ECONOMÍA APLICADA |
Nombre y apellidos | ESTHER MENDEZ PEREZ |
Correo electrónico | |
Teléfono | 91398-6328 |
Departamento | ECONOMÍA APLICADA |
Tutoring of the course and continuous monitoring will be made through the virtual platform, through discussion forums and online assessment tests, plus other common tools used in the UNED.
In addition to tutoring through the virtual course (Preferably), students will be able to contact the Teaching Team during tutoring hours: Wednesdays from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., during the first semester (September to January), and Tuesday from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., during the second semester (February to July).
Teaching team of European Single Market: Integration and Convergence:
Dr. D. Víctor M. González-Sánchez
Telf.: 91 398 84 76
Room: 3.34
Postal address:
Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales
Departamento de Economía Aplicada
Paseo Senda del Rey, 11
28040 Madrid
CG01 - Saber resolver problemas en entornos multidisciplinares relativos a la Unión Europea.
CG02 - Saber comunicar ideas y opiniones basadas en conocimientos específicos y avanzados sobre Unión Europea y emitir juicios razonados sobre las mismas.
CG03 - Interpretar el contenido de los textos y documentos de la Unión Europea de forma que el alumno sea capaz de adoptar decisiones y formular opciones sobre ellos en el entorno complejo de la estructura y ordenamiento de la Unión Europea.
CB6 - Poseer y comprender conocimientos que aporten una base u oportunidad de ser originales en el desarrollo y/o aplicación de ideas, a menudo en un contexto de investigación
CB7 - Que los estudiantes sepan aplicar los conocimientos adquiridos y su capacidad de resolución de problemas en entornos nuevos o poco conocidos dentro de contextos más amplios (o multidisciplinares) relacionados con su área de estudio
CB8 - Que los estudiantes sean capaces de integrar conocimientos y enfrentarse a la complejidad de formular juicios a partir de una información que, siendo incompleta o limitada, incluya reflexiones sobre las responsabilidades sociales y éticas vinculadas a la aplicación de sus conocimientos y juicios
CB9 - Que los estudiantes sepan comunicar sus conclusiones y los conocimientos y razones últimas que las sustentan a públicos especializados y no especializados de un modo claro y sin ambigüedades
CB10 - Que los estudiantes posean las habilidades de aprendizaje que les permitan continuar estudiando de un modo que habrá de ser en gran medida autodirigido o autónomo.
CE01 - Trabajar en contextos multidisciplinares que son los propios del ámbito de la Unión Europea y resolver problemas en dicho ámbito.
CE02 - Dominar los instrumentos de regulación y ordenación de la Unión Europea en contextos profesionales y académicos.
CE03 - Identificar normas y documentos dentro del sistema jurídico-político resultante de la integración de los ordenamientos jurídicos de los Estados Miembros y de la Unión Europea
CE04 - Encontrar, analizar y aplicar la legislación emanada de las diferentes instituciones y órganos de la Unión Europea, así como la de los Estados Miembros que se refiera o esté implicada en el sistema europeo.
CE14 - Analizar la economía de la Unión Europea interrelacionando todos sus aspectos
The main objective of this course is to provide fundamental knowledge on the internal market of the European Union, the fundamental economic freedoms that compose it and the rules governing it. It also aims to provide essential knowledge on economic development in the process of integration and the ability to analyze the existence of economic convergence.
After completion of the course the student is expected to have a better:
1.- Knowledge about different economic freedoms in relation to the Single Market.
2.- Knowledge of the operating rules governing the Single Market.
3.- Knowledge on the Economic and Monetary Union, its evolution and its implications on the Single Market in the European Union.
4.- Knowledge from the theoretical point of view of the different meanings of economic convergence.
5.- Ability to quantify and assess the existence or not of economic convergence.
Part I: Fundamental freedoms.
Part I: Fundamental freedoms.
- Free movement of goods.
- Freedom to provide services.
- Free movement of people.
- Free movement of capital.
Part II: Operating rules governing the Single Market.
Part II: Operating rules governing the Single Market.
- Common policies.
- Policies and operating rules of the Single Market.
Part III: Economic and Monetary Union (EMU).
Part III: Economic and Monetary Union (EMU).
- Economic and Monetary Union: Background and brief history review
- The Maastricht Treaty and Economic and Monetary Union.
Part IV: Economic Integration.
Part IV: Economic Integration.
- Growth and economic development.
- Definition and types of economic integration.
- Effects of economic integration.
Part V: Economic convergence.
Part V: Economic convergence.
- Economic convergence: concepts
- Methodological analysis.
- Integration and economic convergence in Europe.
The methodology followed in European Single Market: Integration and Convergence is compatible with the distance learning methodology of the UNED. In this sense, the virtual platform of the University will be the fundamental learning tool and self-study criteria will be used. In addition, tutoring services will be offered to support students and to help them succeed.
Some teaching materials, documentation and data be provided to students through the virtual course, as far as possible.
The evaluation criteria of the course include the following sections:
1. On-going assessments (40%).
2. Final assessment (objective test or research work) (60%).
Tipo de examen | |
Tipo de examen | No hay prueba presencial |
Requiere Presencialidad | |
Requiere Presencialidad | No |
Descripción | |
Descripción | The research work should consist of a brief study of the existing literature on the chosen topic and a brief analysis with data of some indicator or indicators of economic convergence. The formal characteristics of the work are: font Arial or Times, size 12, not exceed in any case the 4,000 words or 10 pages, including all the sections. It should be sent to the Teaching Team in PDF format through the virtual course. |
Criterios de evaluación | |
Criterios de evaluación | |
Ponderación de la prueba presencial y/o los trabajos en la nota final | |
Ponderación de la prueba presencial y/o los trabajos en la nota final | |
Fecha aproximada de entrega | |
Fecha aproximada de entrega | |
Comentarios y observaciones | |
Comentarios y observaciones |
¿Hay PEC? | |
¿Hay PEC? | Si,PEC no presencial |
Descripción | |
Descripción | |
Criterios de evaluación | |
Criterios de evaluación | |
Ponderación de la PEC en la nota final | |
Ponderación de la PEC en la nota final | |
Fecha aproximada de entrega | |
Fecha aproximada de entrega | |
Comentarios y observaciones | |
Comentarios y observaciones |
¿Hay otra/s actividad/es evaluable/s? | |
¿Hay otra/s actividad/es evaluable/s? | No |
Descripción | |
Descripción | |
Criterios de evaluación | |
Criterios de evaluación | |
Ponderación en la nota final | |
Ponderación en la nota final | |
Fecha aproximada de entrega | |
Fecha aproximada de entrega | |
Comentarios y observaciones | |
Comentarios y observaciones |
¿Cómo se obtiene la nota final? |
The evaluation of the subject European Single Market: Integration and Convergence will be the result of the addition of two sections: - On-going assessments (PEC - Pruebas de evaluación continua). There will be two. These tests are 40% of the final grade (20% each). They will be done through the virtual course and will consist of a test of 10 multiple-choice questions (with a single valid answer) on the readings available through the virtual course. The correctly answered ones will add 0.2 points and the erroneous ones will subtract 0.06 points. Unanswered do not add or subtract. The dates and times in which the PEC will be carried out are indicated later in this Guide. - Final assessment (Research work). This work is 60% of the final grade. Each student must submit, before January 20, a proposal of work on a topic related to one of the parts of the subject. The proposal should include the topic to be developed and some explanation to have chosen it. In addition, the proposal should include the outline of the work with the title and the sections to be developed (at least: introduction, sections, conclusions and bibliography). It should also explain the objective of the work, the methodology and the bibliography used to make the proposal. When the Teaching Team approves, the work must be submitted before February 15 (if it wishes to be evaluated in February) or before August 31 (if it wishes to be evaluated in September). |
Some of the basic references for following the subject European Single Market: Integration and Convergence are: the Treaties of the European Union, the Community documentation on the Single Market, its operating rules and documentation on the Economic and Monetary Union; as well as other specific documents related to the concepts and analysis of economic integration and economic convergence.
A range of additional materials referring to specific topics will be indicated or, where appropriate, provided through the virtual learning platform of the course. In any case, a non-exhaustive list of references is offered as complementary bibliography in different languages:
Alberola, E., Fernández de Lis, S. & Buisán, A. (2002). “Hacia la convergencia a través de la integración. Un análisis comparado entre Europa y América Latina”. Boletín Económico del Banco de España. Julio - agosto de 2002. Pp. 63-71. Madrid.
Berg, J., Grande, M. & Mongelli, F. (2005), Elements of the Euro Area: Integrating Financial Markets. Ashgate. London.
De la Cámara Arilla, C. (1996). “Convergencia nominal versus convergencia real en el proceso de integración europea”. Boletín Económico de Información Comercial Española. Nº 2490. Pp. 19-26. Madrid.
Dorrucci, E., Firpo, E., Fratzscher, M. & Mongelli, F. P. (2002). European Integration: What Lessons for Other Regions? The Case of Latin America. Working Paper. Nº 185. Banco Central Europeo. Frankfurt am Main.
El-Agraa, A. (2007), The European Union: Economics and Policies. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.
Fernández Navarrete, D. (2007), Fundamentos económicos de la Unión Europea. Paraninfo. Madrid.
Giubboni, S. (2007), La liberacircolazione dei lavoratori nell’Unione Europea. Il Mulino. Bologna.
González-Sánchez, V. M. (2016). Analysis of Global and Regional Convergence from an International Economic Perspective. In: González-Sánchez, V. M. (2016). Economy, Politics and Governance Challenges for the 21st Century, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
González-Sánchez, V. M. & De los Ríos Sastre, S. (2014). Drivers of Economic Growth in Latin America: Evolution and Challenges. In: Accosi, C. (2014). Economic Growth in the 21st Century: Perspectives, Role of Governmental Policies, Potential and Constraints. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
González-Sánchez, V. M. (2014). Mercosur oder Pazifik-Allianz: konkurrierende Modelle lateinamerikanischer Integration. GIGA Focus Lateinamerika. No. 3/2014.
González-Sánchez, V. M. (2013). Convergencia Económica en el Mercosur: ¿Veinte Años No Es Nada? Actualidad Económica. No. 80, Mayo-Agosto.
González Sánchez, V. M. (Coord.) (2010), Globalización: un enfoque multidisciplinar. Estudios de economía y sociología. UNED - Tirant lo Blanch. Valencia.
González Sánchez, V. M. (2005). “El papel de las TIC dentro del objetivo de Lisboa en la Unión Europea ampliada”. Boletín Económico de Información Comercial Española. Nº 2832. Pp. 45-56. Madrid.
González-Sánchez, V. M. (2004). Convergencia económica en el Mercosur. Madrid: UNED Ediciones.
Grauwe, P. De (2007), Economics of Monetary Union. Oxford University Press. Oxford.
Hitiris, T. (2003), European Union. Economics, 5th Edition, Pearson Education Limited, London.
Hyman, R. (2001), Understanding European Trade Unionism. Between market, Class and Society. Russell Sage Foundation. New York.
Iglesias Casais, J. M. (2007), No discriminación fiscal y derecho de establecimiento en la Unión Europea. Aranzadi. Pamplona.
Jordán Galduf, J. M. (2005), Economía de la Unión Europea, Thomson Civitas.
Mancha Navarro, T. & Sotelsek Salem, D. (coords) (2001). Convergencia económica e integración: la experiencia en Europa y América Latina. Ediciones Pirámide. Madrid.
Martín González, C. (1995). “La convergencia real en Europa: un referente clave para la política económica española”. Papeles de Economía Española. Nº 63. Pp. 2-17. Madrid.
Massaguer, J. (2006), El nuevo Derecho contra la competencia desleal. Cívitas. Madrid.
Morgan, G. (2007), The Idea of a European Superstate. Princeton University Press. Princeton.
Muñoz de Bustillo, R. & Bonete, R. (2009), Introducción a la Unión Europea: un análisis desde la economía. Alianza Editorial. Madrid.
Nieto Solís, J. A. (2001), La Unión Europea. Una nueva etapa en la integración económica de Europa. Pirámide, Madrid.
Pérez de las Heras, B. (2004), El Mercado interior europeo. Universidad de Deusto. Bilbao.
Ríos Sastre, S. (2016). Financial Literacy and Financial Inclusion: A Double Challenge for Public Sector. In: González-Sánchez, V. M. (2016). Economy, Politics and Governance Challenges for the 21st Century, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
Ríos Sastre, S. (2001). La convergencia empres en la Unión Europea. Universidad Pontificia Comillas. Madrid.
Sala-I-Martin, X. (2000), Apuntes de crecimiento económico, Barcelona: Antoni Bosch Editor.
Schmidt, C. & Straubhaar, T. (1995). “Maastricht II: Are Real Convergence Criteria Needed?” Intereconomics. Vol. 30. Nº 5. Pp. 211-220.
Shuibhne, N. (2006), Regulating the Internal Market. Edward Elgar. UK.
Skinner, C. (Ed.) (2007), The Future of Investing in Europe’s Markets after MiFID. Wiley and Sons Ltd. UK.
Temprano Arroyo, H. (2002). “Latin America’s integration processes in the light of the EU’s experience with EMU”. Economic Papers. Nº 173. European Commission.
As a resource of fundamental support for the study and monitoring of the subject as well as a tool for ongoing assessment, the virtual course will be used.
In addition, to enable students to have a first reference Internet sites related to the subject, as guidance offered the following:
Official website of the European Union:
European Commission:
The EU Single Market:
European Central Bank: