To achieve your goals
The UNED has developed a complete Reception Plan whose objective is to help new students to optimize the university's own methodology, so that from the beginning they can obtain the best results according to their work, personal and family situation. The Reception Plan offers support and counseling throughout the first year at UNED from the moment of enrollment.
The structure of the Reception Plan includes actions in the following areas
The UNED’s Reception Plan brings together a series of resources designed to guide students both when planning their registration and when formalizing it. Making the right choice of the number of credits to be taken in each period is of vital importance and can be the key to academic success.
Courses 0
From the UNED Abierta (Open UNED) platform, the Reception Plan offers two types of courses aimed, on the one hand, to know the initial level of knowledge of each student, leveling them in those subjects of greater difficulty and facilitating the acquisition of subsequent knowledge, and, on the other hand, to train the tools with which they will work throughout the academic year. For its part, the UNED Centers offer their own Reception Courses, which can even be used to validate Elective credits.
Virtual Induction Communities
The Virtual Induction Communities (CAV) are the main asset of the UNED’s Reception Plan and centralize to a large extent all the resources contemplated in it. All new UNED students are registered in a Virtual Induction Community (CAV), which can be accessed from the first days of September and from which they will receive information, orientation and training. Each Faculty and School has its own community, as well as the University Access Course and the EHEA Masters. From these virtual communities, the Guidance and Employment Center - COIE UNED- develops its counseling task by assigning a counselor to each community, which is complemented with the mentoring of a student of each degree or study and with instrumental support by a technician. In addition, an academic coordinator works with the counselors to keep the student abreast of any new developments.
The CAVs address issues such as the UNED’s online and blended learning method, the tutorial model, technological tools, resources and services available to each student so that they can pursue their studies effectively and at a personal and flexible pace.
Students who participate in the Virtual Induction Community will gain a better understanding of the dynamics of the UNED, will be able to optimize all the resources available to them, to better plan their study time and will effectively manage the tools to improve their performance in teamwork, evaluation and self-regulation of the learning process, playing an essential role in the integration of the student.
Guidance and Study Techniques
The Guidance and Employment Center - COIE UNED offers students a series of resources aimed at improving the study techniques of students, always focused on the university's own methodology. This support is available in different formats and it is very useful for planning and knowledge acquisition. In addition, the Reception Plan includes some practical guides aimed at facilitating the first contact with the university's own tools, such as the aLF platform from which the virtual courses can be accessed.
The evaluation at UNED is carried out in two different ways: through on-site exams at the UNED Centers and through the Continuous Evaluation Tests (PEC). Each teacher of each subject will define the evaluation system, which can be either one of the two separately or a combination of both. The teachers of the central headquarters, organized in the Departments of each Faculty or School, are responsible for the preparation, control and correction of the exams in any of their two modalities, although they count with the support of the supervising professors to guide the level of the students and the knowledge acquired. For their part, the supervising professors of the centers are in charge of grading the Continuous Evaluation Tests.
The Reception Plan also includes material to help you face the evaluation at UNED, as well as a complete bank of past exams.