Titulación de Master 2022/2023



This programme on Insurance Law Master Degree has the undeniable value of offering a very complete knowledge of an important sector of current economic activity that makes up the increasingly important risk market.

Insurance is an essential financial instrument in today's world and the integration of our country into the single European market makes it necessary for legal professionals and for those involved in the business world.

It is under this consideration that the different modules of the Master have been structured, covering all the legal and technical aspects, the latter also being fundamental in the correct functioning of insurance.

With its introduction, the Master's Degree was intended to cover a shortfall, as at the time of its implementation there were no national references whose objective was an eminently legal specialisation in Insurance Law. Equivalent international references were not found either, as the legal perspective is predominantly national, without prejudice to the fact that there are a significant number of directly applicable Community provisions, as well as national provisions that respond to the transposition of Community Directives. Some subjects (e.g. International Aspects or Actuarial Calculation) have, at least in part, a transnational perspective due to their own content.