Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia - UNED

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(+34) 91398-6354

Academic Information

Cristina Ruza, PhD awarded in Applied Economics (extraordinary award), National University of Distance Education.
Degree in Economics, Alcalá de Henares Univesity (Madrid).
Master´s degree in Public Finance and Taxation, Official College of Economists (Madrid).
Master´s degree with distinction in Banking and Finance, University of Wales (Bangor).

Academic positions held

Assistant professor since 2017 until today.

Research activity

Professor Ruza developed her doctoral thesis on "Credit Risk: Empirical Application to a Spanish Credit Institution" and she has also published several books on credit risk assessment.
He has published several research articles in national and international journals on topics related to the behavior of savings, risk analysis of financial institutions, financial markets, family indebtedness, microfinance (microcredit and microinsurance), the process of restructuring the Spanish financial system, the pehnomenon of financial and social exlusion, among others.
She is also member of the European Association of Banking and Finance Teachers (Wolpertinger).
She has participated in several research projects related to:
- Method of Social Impact Evaluation Investments Made by the Spanish Savings Banks through their social and filatropic fund.
- Accounting, financial and social analysis of microcredit institutions.
- Microinsurance experiences in Brazil, Peru and Colombia: Partner-Agent model.
- Curricular Training in the Design for All in the University.
- Analysis of the financial exclusion phenomenon.
- Social Enterpreneurship.

Professional experience

In 1997 she joined the Confederate Savings Banks Foundation for Economic and Social Research as an Internal Researcher and since 1999 she continued to collaborate as an external researcher of the financial system department.

Between 2007 and 2010 she has participated as a project evaluation specialist at the 4- and 6-digit UNESCO R&D&I level and a member of the Certification Committee with the Spanish Innovation Certification Agency. She collaborated in the evaluation of technical project reports and its subsequent certification as a R&I%I project in accordance with the guidelines of RD 1432/2003, and the issue of the corresponding monitoring certificates.

She currently is member of to the European Association of Banking and Finance Teachers (Wolpertinger Club).

Educational management experience

Director of the Centre for Guidance, Information and Employment  (UNED) from  October 2010 to October 2013.

Secretary of the Master  in "Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility" from October 2018 until today.



  • GRUPO DE INVESTIGACIÓN Este grupo de investigación trabaja sobre ideas, estrategias y herramientas para gestionar aspectos sociales éticos, medioambientales y de buen gobierno en las organizaciones con el fin de responder, desde los negocios, a las necesidades y demandas de la sociedad y a los objetivos de desarrollos sostenible. + info


  • DESDE 2020 pertenece al Grupo de Innovación Docente Video TFM, “Defensa oral de TFG/TFM a través de video en la UNED: Impulso a las competencias Transversales (InnoTFG)”. Estrategia de impulso de la evaluación de la competencia oral en los estudiantes de TFG y TFM.
  • “Elaboración de un Método de Evaluación del Impacto Social de las Inversiones Realizadas por la Obra Social de las Cajas de Ahorros Españolas”. Financiado por FUNCAS
  • Análisis contable, financiero y social de las instituciones de microcrédito. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, Programa Nacional de Ciencias Sociales, Económicas y Jurídicas. MEC. Ref: SEJ2007-65547/ECO
  • Formación Curricular en Diseño para Todos en la Universidad  Conferencia de Rectores de Universidades Españolas (CRUE) y Fundación ONCE.
  • Experiencias de microseguros en Brasil, Perú y Colombia: modelo Socio- Agente. Financiado por Fundación Mapfre.
  • Proyecto Nacional I+D «El Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión europea: su incidencia en la configuración normativa del proceso civil español y en la protección de los derechos fundamentales» (Ref. DER 2016-75567-R). Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad.
  • “Personas en situación de vulnerabilidad social frente a la revolución digital en los servicios financieros: un análisis desde la perspectiva del Behavioural Finance” Santander Financial Institute, XI Convocatoria "Ayuda SANFI a la Investigación para Jóvenes Investigadores" (Edición 2017).



Other activities

Summer courses

2009: Ponencia en el Curso de verano en el Centro Asociado de la Uned en Islas Baleares, “Retos y tendencias en la cooperación al desarrollo”, Julio.

2012: Ponencia en el Curso de Verano “Nuevos retos de empleo para la universidad: respondiendo a la diversidad”, Centro Asociado de Asturias (Gijón), del 18 al 20 de julio.

Permanent education

2010: Course  "Training in the Management and Development of Non-Governmental and Non-profit Organizations", UNED Associated Centre in Tudela, December.
2010-2011-2012: Participation in the Master of Quality in the Management of University Centres, Module "Socio occupational activity. The Academic-Professional Orientation and the Professional Insertion of the Student", Vice-rectorate of Coordination, Quality and Innovation of UNED.
2011-2012: Course Management "Principles for a Fair Economy: Globalization, Development, Corporate Social Responsibility and Responsible Consumption", Associated Centre in Tudela, April.
2012: Microfinance Management Program, BBVA Microfinance Foundation.
2012: Microfinance Analyst Diploma, BBVA Microfinance Foundation.
2012: Expert Microfinance Executive Course, BBVA Microfinance Foundation.
2013: Course management "Spain + France + Close", UNED COMA Continuing Education course.
2013: Business Start-up Module in collaboration with the School of Industrial Organization and the Ministry of Industry.

Experience in educational, scientific and technological management and administration

Director of the UNED Guidance, Information and Employment Centre from October 2010 to October 2013. Functions: Management of the 34 Associated Centres , service for academic and vocational guidance and guidance for employment and employment insertion, organization of employment-related events, UNED representation at academic and institutional events, management of extracurricular internships in companies  and training courses in self-regulated study techniques, information and communication technologies, job search 2.0. among others.

Secretary of the Master’s Degree in "Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility from October 2018 until the present.

Training merits

2005: Extraordinary prize for the doctoral thesis project "Credit Risk: Empirical Application to a Spanish Credit Institution" awarded by the National University of Distance Education.

English degree, proficiency level (C2), Official Language School, 2018.

French degree, level A2, Official Language School, 2016.

Italian, on an intermediate level.

Gallego, advanced level.

Portugués, usuary level.


Research stay at the University of La Sapienza, Rome.

Research stay at the University of Bangor, UK.

Participation in several radio and TV programmes.

2012: Award from the UNESCO Chair in Management and university policy  for the project "Virtual Professional Internships in the EHEA".

2012: Coordination of the European Commission project, Call Number: /G/Ent/Cip/12/E/N01c01, "Entrepreneurial Education" in collaboration with Roomer University, UK.

2013: Grant from the Ministry of Education for the "Virtual Professional Internship Project", Order EDU/2346/2011 .

Referee of the international Journal of Environmental Planning and Management,  Journal of Management and Governance, Iberoamerican Journal of Development Studies.