Comentarios y anexos:
- Antonio Marquina (ed) (2029): La política exterior de Estados Unidos: Un atardecer desfigurado. (Madrid. UNISCI)
- Antonio Marquina(ed) (2017): La Estrategia Global de la Unión Europea. (Madrid,UNISCI)
- Antonio Marquina(ed) (2015). La Unión Europea y el Magreb (Madrid UNISCI)
- Antonio Marquina (2008): Energy Security. Prospects and Policies in Asia and Europe (Basingstoke, Palgrave-Macmillan).
- Antonio Marquina (2004) : Environmental Challenges In the Mediterranean 2000-2050 (Dordrecht, Kluwer)
- Hans.G.Brauch, P.Liotta, A.Marquina(2003): Security and Environment in the Mediterranean. Conceptualising security and Environmental conflicts. (Berlin Springer)
- Antonio Marquina (2009) Global Warming and Climate Change. Prospects and Policies in Asia and Europe.
(Basingstoke, Palgrave-Macmillan). Introduction y cap 27.
- A. Navarra, L. Tubiana, (2013) Regional Assessment of Climate Change in the Mediterranean (Berlin, Springer) 3.Vol.
- Antonio Marquina(2011). Prospects for Migration in Asia and Europe. (UNISCI-ASEF).
-Antonio Marquina (2013) La seguridad alimentaria en el Magreb (Madrid UNISCI)
-Antonio Marquina (2015) La estrategia de seguridad nacional 2013 (UNISCI)
-Terrorismo: Resolución 1566 (2004) Aprobada por el Consejo de Seguridad en su 5053ª sesión,celebrada el 8 de octubre de 2004
-A.Del Valle Gálvez y I. González García (2005): Gibraltar Trescientos años. Universidad de Cádiz
-Antonio Marquina: La pista de aterrizaje de Gibraltar y la base militar
-Antonio Marquina: Gibraltar: la soberanía no es local ni virtual. (enero 2021)
-Dionisio García (1999): Ceuta y Melilla. Cuestión de Estado. Ciudad Autónoma de Ceuta.
-V. L. Gutiérrez Castillo (2009): El Magreb y sus fronteras en el Mar, Ed. Huygens
-- Lotfi Sour: The Western Sahara conflict in the Algerian Moroccan relations Revista UNISCI nº 58 (January/Enero 2022).
-Informes del secretario General de Naciones Unidas al Consejo de Seguridad sobre el Sahara Occidental Libia y Mali
-Resoluciones del Consejo de Seguridad sobre el Sahara Occidental, Libia, Mali
-Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y Cooperación: Gibraltar
- Romualdo Bermejo y Eugenia López-Jacoiste (coordinadores) Crisis y Reconfiguración en Oriente Medio y El Cáucaso, Journal UNISCI/Revista UNISCI nº 57 (Octubre/ October 2021),
-Rich Outzen, Soner Cagaptay: The Third Age of Erdogan’s Foreign Policy, 17 February 2022, en httpss://
-Antonio Marquina: The NATO Southern Flank and the Threat of Disruption. The Journal of Transatlantic Studies, March 2019
-OTAN: Concepto Estratégico 2022
-Antonio Marquina: “Conflict Prevention in the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership: A European point of view.” En
Perceptions Vol 4,2 (1999),
Comentarios y anexos:
- Anuario del Mediterráneo (2006,2007, 2008, 2009,2010,2011,2012, 2013, 2014,2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021) (Barcelona IEMED),
-Antonio Marquina (2008): Flujos migratorios subsaharianos hacia Canarias- Madrid. (Madrid. UNISCI)
- UN Office for Drug Control (2021)-: World Drug Report httpss://
-Transparencia Internacional,
- Rohan Gunaratna: Terrorism. Global Threat Forecast, 2014,2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 (Revista UNISCI, Enero 2014-2022)
-Country reports on terrrorism 2014-2021. Counterterrorism Office
-Armaments Disarmament and International Security. Sipri Yearbook 2016-2021. (Capítulos anuales sobre Major
Armed Conflicts o Parte primera del anuario)
- IPCC Assessment Reports
- IEmed
- EuroMesco
- International Crisis Group, Middle East and North Africa
httpss:// []=85
- Institute Security Studies,
- Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
--UNEP (2021): Climate change in the Mediterranean en
--Florence Gaub and Clémentine Lienard (2021): Arab Climate Futures, Chaillot Paper 170, October 2021 en
--IOM (2019): Migration and Water in the Middle East and North Africa, en
--European Parliament (2020): Climate Change and Migration en
- B. Venditto (2018): Water, migration and environment in a Mediterranean perspective, en
- Energy: a shaping factor for regional stability in the Eastern Mediterranean? Directorate General for External Policies. Policy Department. European Parliament
-Ahmed ElBassoussy Ministry of Trade and Industry, Cairo, Egypt: East Mediterranean gas: a new arena for international rivalry (2018), httpss://
- Eastern Mediterranean Energy and Geopolitics, German Marshall Fund,
- IAI (2017) Energy Trends,
- IAI (2017) The Moscow-Ankara Energy Axis and the Future of EU-Turkey Relations.
- l. Colantoni (2017) Russia's eye on the Mare Nostrum, httpss://
- Z. Tziarras (2019): The New Geopolitics of the Eastern Mediterranean: Trilateral Partnerships and Regional Security, PRIO Report, en httpss://
- T Tsakiris (2019): The Importance of East Mediterranean Gas for EU Energy Security: The Role of Cyprus, Israel and Egypt, Cyprus Review 30(1) en
- V. L Gutiérrez Castillo (2011): Delimitación de las aguas marinas en el estrecho
-A. Marquina (2011)“Los sucesos en el norte de Africa y Medio Oriente y sus implicaciones en la seguridad mundial”, en África y Medio Oriente: Una visión político estratégica. Escuela de Guerra de Chile, Cuadernos de Difusión, diciembre, 2011
--Relaunching Negotiations over Western Sahara, Crisis Group, 14 October 2021, en httpss://
-Time for International Reengagement in Western Sahara, Crisis Group, 11 March 2021 en httpss://
- Morocco: Background and U.S. Relations (2021) Congressional Research Service
-- Sahara. Autonomy plan, en
-Middle East Military Strategic Balance (Tel Aviv, The Institute for National Security Studies)
--Antonio Marquina The Arab Spring. NATO Partnerships and the Mediterranean Enlargement”, Quaderni del Dipartamento di
Scienze Politiche, Univeristá Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, n.4, 2012, p.97-102.
-Frederic Wehrey and Andrew S. Weiss (2021) Reassessing Russian Capabilities in the Levant and North Africa, Carnegie Endowment
-Luis Simon et alia (2021): NATO and the South: a tale of three futures. Instituto Elcano
-Joanna Pritchett (2021): Less Than a Full Deck: Russia’s Economic Influence in the Mediterranean, Carnegie Endowment.
-Paul Stronski (2021): A Difficult Balancing Act: Russia’s Role in the Eastern Mediterranean, Carnegie Endowment
-Eugene Rumer and Richard Sokolsky (2021): Russia in the Mediterranean: Here to Stay, Carnegie Endowment
-Marc Pierini (2021) Russia’s Posture in the Mediterranean: Implications for NATO and Europe, Carnegie Endowment
-Erzsébet N. Rózsa (2020) Deciphering China in the Middle East, ISS.
-Katarzyna W. Sid¿o (Ed.)(2020) The Role of China in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Beyond Economic Interests? Euromesco
-Gedaliah Afterman: China’s Evolving Approach to the Middle East: A Decade of Change, Strategic Assessment | Volume 24 | No. 1 | January 2021
- Ischinger Joseph S. Nye, Jr at alia(2021) .Mind the Gap: Priorities for Transatlantic China Policy, Aspen Institute
--C. Lons et alia: (2019): China´s Great Game in the Middle East, en
- The Role of China in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). Beyond Economic Interests, en
- E. Rumer (2019) Russia in the Middle East: Jack of All Trades, Master of None, en httpss://
- A. Borshchevskaya (2019): Russia’s Growing Influence in North Africa, en
-Yoel Guzansky, Gallia Lindenstrauss: The Growing Alignment Between the Gulf and the Eastern Mediterranean, 25 May 2021, en httpss://
--Keeping a Libya Settlement on Track, ICG 29 January 2021
--Libya and U.S. Policy, 10 March 2021
- Ben Fishman, Anas El Gomati: Making Libya’s Berlin Process Work, 21 June 2022 en httpss://
-Meliha Benli Altun¿¿¿k: The new wave of normalization in Turkey’s Middle East foreign policy, 27 April 2021 en httpss://
-Richard Kraemer: Erdo¿an ramps up reliance on China, 21 September 2021, en httpss://
-Jonathan M. Winer: Struggle over legitimacy in Libya begins third period of dueling governments, 14 February 2022, en
- Ben Fishman: Can Turkey and the UAE Help Break Libya’s Deadlock? 14 March 2022, en
-- K. Johnson (2019) Newly Aggressive Turkey Forges Alliance with Libya, en httpss://
-Rose (2019): Turkey Tests the Waters in the Eastern Mediterranean, en
--Russia and Iran: Economic Influence in Syria, March 2019 , en
-Iran's Syria strategy: the evolution of deterrence, International Affairs, Volume 95, Issue 2, March 2019, en httpss://
- Conflict in Mali: CRS, July 2021 en httpss://
-P. Le Roux (2019): Responding to the Rise in Violent Extremism in the Sahel, httpss://
--The Sahel: Europe´s Forever War? 31 March 2021
-Philippe Leymarie: France’s unwinnable Sahel war, Le Monde Diplomatique, March 2021 httpss://
-EUCAP Sahel Mali
-EUTM Malí
-EUCAP Sahel Niger
--M Giampaolo (2020) General Haftar and the Risks of Authoritarian “Stability” in Libya, IAI, en httpss://
- W. Pusztai (2019 Libya´s Conflict, ISS, en
-OSCE :www. osce. org. >seccion diálogo mediterráneo.
-OTAN : <www.> diálogo mediterráneo.
--Secretaría del Consejo de la UE, Política Meditérranea, Política de vecindad httpss://
-J-F. Coutilliére (2012): Le 5+5 face aux défís du réveil arabe, (Paris L´Hamattan)
--webs sobre 5+5: Páginas de los Ministerios de Asuntos Exteriores de España, Italia, Francia, Argelia, Marruecos y Túnez