Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia - UNED

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Academic Information

PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of Seville (2009) with the thesis: Organic Agriculture and "Segura". Multifunctionality, quality and territory in the context of globalisation (Thesis with European Mention)

Degree in Social and Cultural Anthropology (2002), University of Seville, Spain.

Degree in History of Art (2010), University of Seville, Spain. 

Academic positions held

Associate Professor (Profesora Titular) in the Department of Sociology II at the UNED. Since joining this department in 2009, she has held various academic positions. 

Research fellow and research technician in the Department of Social Anthropology, University of Seville (2003-2009).

Professor-Tutor UNED in the area of Environment and Society since 2010.

Research activity

Her research focuses on sustainable food systems, food citizenship and social food movements, territorial governance, rural development, organic farming and food quality certifications.

Visiting researcher in the Institute of Agricultural and Rural Sciences, Autonomous University of the State of Mexico (UAEMEX), in the Department of Agricultural Social Sciences, University of Pelotas (UFPL)  in Brazil and in the Agricultural Research Centre for International Development (CIRAD) in France. 

Professional experience

Research assistant on cultural landscapes at the Institute of Historical Heritage of Andalusia (IAPH) (2009-2011).

Educational management experience

Vice-Dean for Research and First Vice-Dean (2018-2019), Faculty of Political Science and Sociology, UNED.

Vice-Dean for Students and Mobility Coordinator (2015-2017), Faculty of Political Science and Sociology, UNED.



  • Group for the Study of Society and Politics (GESP) Research Group recognised by UNED-UCM. Web of GESP (Spanish)
  • Sociology of Food Research Group (SOCIALIMEN) Research Group recognised by University of Oviedo. It  is integrated into the Campus of International Excellence (Cluster of Biomedicine and Health). web of SOCIALIMEN (English)
  • Territory, Culture and Development Research Group (TECUDE) Group recognised by the University of Seville and by the Andalusian Research Plan (SEJ-418). web of TECUDE (Spanish)
  • Environment and Social Sciences Research Group: Socio-sanitary research and application of qualitative techniques in the integral study of health Research Group recognised by the Instituto Mixto de Investigación (UNED-ISCIII). Web of the group in social and health research and application of qualitative techniques in the integral study of health (Spanish).
  • NISALDes Network. Living standards, health, nutrition and inequality Thematic network composed of various research groups, recognised by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (PHA-HIS. RED2018-102413-T). Web of NISALDes Network (English)


  • 2022-2024. The food malaise: perceptions, attitudes, and behaviours of the spanish population to healthy, sustainable and fair food (PID2021-122721OB-C21). Ministry of Science and Innovation. Principal Investigator: Cecilia Díaz-Méndez.
  • 2020-2022. Governance for the promotion of a healthy and sustainable diet after the COVID-19. The vision from the scientific field Grant 2020 to support Initiation to Research funded by IMIENS. Principal Investigators: Carmen Lozano-Cabedo and Miguel Ángel Navas-Martín.
  • 2016-2020. Political Food Consumption: citizens, activists and institutions (CSO2016-76293-R). Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competition. Principal Investigator: Amparo Novo Vázquez.
  • 2015-2017. Territorial implications of social cohesion. Is the rural-urban gap bridged? Grants of Santander Bank to promote R+D+I oriented to the Challenges of Society 2014. Principal Investigator: Carmen Lozano-Cabedo.
  • 2014-2017. Food labels in rural areas: new challenges for producers and consumers (CSO2013-42468-P). Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competition. Principal Investigator: Encarnación Aguilar Criado.
  • 2015-2017. Consumption patterns of traditional foods in Mexico and quality labels (220531). National Council for Science and Technology of Mexico (CONACYT). Principal Investigator: Angélica Espinoza Ortega
  • 2011-2014. The invisible food. Social Representations of food systems: causes, consequences and transformations CSO2010-22074-C03-02). Ministry of Science and Innovation. Principal Investigator: Cristóbal Gómez-Benito.

N.º of recognized sections of research activity



  • ON LINE PUBLICATIONS Access online publications at ORCID

    Access online publications at RESEARCHGATE

    Journal Articles (selection):

    - Díaz-Méndez, C.; Lozano-Cabedo, C. (2020). Food governance and healthy diet. An analysis of the conflictive relationships among the actors of the agri-food system. Trends in Food Science & Technology, 105: 449-453. DOI: 10.1016/j.tifs.2019.08.025

    - Farré Ribes, M.; Lozano-Cabedo, C. y Aguilar Criado, E. (2020). La “nueva cultura del aceite” como eje de transformación en los territorios olivareros andaluces. AIBR-Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana, 15(1): 79-104. DOI: 10.11156/aibr.150105

    - Farré Ribes, M.; Lozano-Cabedo, C. y Aguilar Criado, E. (2019). The role of knowledge in constructing the quality of olive oil in Spain. Sustainability, 11(15): 4029. DOI: 10.3390/su11154029

    - Escobar-López, F.Y; Espinoza-Ortega, A. Lozano-Cabedo, C.; Aguilar Criado, E.; Amaya-Corchuelo, A.; (2019). Motivations to consume ecological foods in Alternative Food Networks (AFNs) in southern Spain. British Food Journal, 121(11): 2565-2577. DOI: 10.1108/BFJ-01-2019-0051

    - Lozano-Cabedo, C. & Gómez-Benito, C. (2017). A Theoretical Model of Food Citizenship for the Analysis of Social Praxis. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 30(1), 1-22. DOI: 10.1007/s10806-016-9649-0

    - Gómez Benito, C. & Lozano, C. (2014). Constructing Food Citizenship: Theoretical Premises and Social Practices. Italian Sociological Review, 14(2), 135-156. DOI: 10.13136/isr.v4i2.79

    - Lozano, C. (2013). Representaciones sociales de la agricultura ecológica en Andalucía. Gazeta de Antropología, 29(2). DOI: 10.30827/Digibug.28502

    - Lozano, C. (2012). El fomento de la integración laboral femenina en el medio rural: evaluación del impacto de los talleres de empleo en la Sierra de Segura (Jaén). AGER: Revista de Estudios sobre Despoblación y Desarrollo Rural, 12, 117-147. DOI: 10.4422/ager.2011.04

    - Aguilar, E.; Lozano, C., Moreno, I y Pérez, A. (2009). Entre la tradición y la innovación: políticas de empleo femenino y desarrollo rural. Sociología del Trabajo, 65, 111-136. Access to the article

    - Lozano Cabedo, C. (2011). El sabor de la naturaleza. Agricultura ecológica en Parques Naturales Andaluces. Sevilla: Fundación Blas Infante. 
    - Lozano Cabedo, C. (2010). Agricultura Ecológica y “Segura”. Nuevas estrategias de desarrollo en el medio rural andaluz. Jaén: Instituto de Estudios Giennenses. 

    Book Chapters (selection):
    - Lozano-Cabedo, C., y Novo, A. (2021). La dimensión política de la alimentación. ¿consumidores, activistas o ciudadanos? En C. Díaz-Méndez e I. García-Espejo (Coords.), El descontento con la alimentación. Los problemas del consumo alimentario en las sociedades contemporáneas (pp. 71-84). Gijón: Ed. Trea.

    - Gómez-Benito, C., y Lozano-Cabedo, C. (2017). Ciudadanía alimentaria: entre la teoría y la praxis social. En C. Gómez-Benito (Ed.), Estudios de socio-antropología de la alimentación (523-533). Madrid: Ministerio de Agricultura y Pesca, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente. 

    - Gómez Benito, C. y Lozano-Cabedo, C. (2016). El desperdicio de alimentos en el ámbito doméstico: constricciones estructurales y hábitos alimentarios. En Y. Colomer; R. Clotet y L. González-Vaqué (Coords.). El sistema alimentario. Globalización, sostenibilidad, seguridad y cultura alimentaria (pp. 471-488). Pamplona: Thomson Reuters y Aranzadi.

    - Soronellas, M; Andreu, A. y Lozano, C. (2014). Prácticas locales y discursos globales sobre ruralidad. Diálogos desde la economía, la ecología y la cultura. En A. Andreu; Y. Bodoque; D. Comas; J. J. Pujadas; J. Roca y M. Soronellas (eds). Periferias, fronteras y diálogos. Una lectura antropológica de los retos de la sociedad actual (pp. 271-279). Tarragona: Universitat Rovira i Virgili,.

    - Lozano, C. et Durán, M. I. (2010). La saveur de la nature comme patrimoine. En A. Berger; P. Chevalier; G. Cortes; M. Dedeire (Coords.). Patrimoines, Heritages et Developpement Rural en Europe (pp. 205-223). Paris: L’harmattan. 

    - Lozano, C. y Aguilar, E. (2010). Natural, tradicional y de la tierra. La promoción de la calidad agroalimentaria en los nuevos espacios rurales andaluces. En Soler, M. y Guerrero, C. (Coords). Patrimonio cultural en la nueva ruralidad andaluza (pp. 34-47). Sevilla: Instituto Andaluz de Patrimonio Histórico, Junta de Andalucía.

    - Lozano Cabedo, C. (2008). Más allá de la patrimonialización de la naturaleza. Alimentos ecológicos y de calidad. En M. Álvarez y X. Medina (Eds.). Identidades en el plato (pp. 63-80). Barcelona: Icaria. 


Other activities

Experience in educational, scientific and technological management and administration

- President of the Sociology of Food Research Committee of the Spanish Federation of Sociology (FES).
- Member of the Editorial Board and Associate Editor of Ager. Journal of studies on depopulation and rural development.

Transfer of knowledge and professional experience

- Researcher in the project "Educating in the 2030 Agenda for the promotion of sustainable food consumption in the universities of the city of Madrid". Madrid City Council. 2021-2022.

- Participation as an expert in the Institutional Debate "Building food citizenship: the global fight for food" held in 2017 in the European Parliament.

- Research on cultural landscapes carried out at the Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage (IAPH) contributed to the creation of the Register of Landscapes of Cultural Interest in Andalusia and the development, under the auspices of UNESCO, of Indicators for the management and conservation of Historic Urban Landscapes in World Heritage Cities (Durán and Lozano, 2011).

- Contract art. 83 Law 6/2001 "The landscape of Seville from the perspective of Anthropology". Contracting entities: Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage (Andalusian Regional Government)-UNESCO and UNED. Contract manager: Carmen Lozano Cabedo. 2009-2010.

Training merits

- III Award UNED-ODS (2021).
- XXII Research Award Memorial Blas Infante (2010).
- VII Research Award Andrés Núñez de Prado para la investigación en agricultura y ganadería ecológica (2005).