Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia - UNED

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Cristina Castellanos Serrano holds a PhD in Economics (European mention) and a Master in Feminist Theory from the Complutense University of Madrid. She is currently Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Economics at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the UNED. She has been a senior researcher at Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (UK) between 2012 and 2018. She teaches postgraduate teaching and training in universities and agencies on gender equality mainstreaming in public policies and budgets.

Her research, since she started her doctoral thesis on the parental leave system and marital property regimes, focuses on gender mainstreaming in the design and evaluation of public policies, from an international perspective, with a special focus on the labour market, co-responsibility and the participation of men in caregiving and women in paid work.

Academic Information

  • PhD in Economics (European mention), Complutense University of Madrid (2016)
  • Official Master Degree in Feminist Studies, Complutense University of Madrid (2011)
  • Postgraduate Degree in International Trade, UNED (2005)
  • BA(Hons.) in Management and Business Administration,  CUNEF (UCM) (2003)

Academic positions held

  • Associate Professor, Department of Applied Economics, UNED
  • Lecturer in Master of Social and Public Policies, UPF-BSM
  • More than ten years of teaching experience in several public and private universities (UPF, Pontificia de Comillas, San Pablo CEU, Cardenal Cisneros, URJC, UPNA) in undergraduate, bachelor's and master's degrees.

Research activity

  • Her research focuses mainly on the mainstreaming of gender equality in budgets and public policies, with a special focus on men's participation in care and women's participation in the labor market. Thus, co-responsibility and care policies are central to her research and transfer.
  • She has participated as a researcher in 36 competitive funded projects (22 international), being the principal investigator in 3, and project manager and senior expert in 8.
  • She collaborates with the research group "Data analysis in social studies, gender and equality policies" of the UCM from 2011 to the present.
  • She is a member of the research group "International and Spanish Political Economy" since 2023.
  • She is currently participating as a researcher in the competitive project CLASSPARENT "The division of paid and unpaid work of couples across the life span according to social class" (PID2020-119339GB-C21) PI: Teresa Jurado (UNED). Member of the research team (2021-2024).
  • She also participates as a researcher in the international project: Parental Leave Policies and Social Sustainability (Sustainability@Leave) European Cooperation in Science & Technology CA21150 PI: Thordis Reimer & Margaret O'Brien (2022-2026).

Professional experience

  • Senior Researcher and Consultant at Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (UK) (2012-2018).
  • Researcher at Center for Economic Studies of Tomillo Foundation (2009-2012)
  • Internationalization Technician at Gamma Solutions (2004-2005)
  • Macroeconomics Technician (ICEX Scholarships) at the Commercial Office of Spain in Buenos Aires (Argentina) (2003-2004)
  • Technician in Central Balance Sheet Data Office of the Bank of Spain (2003)



  • Data analysis in social and gender studies and equality policies (UCM) Gender inequality in the labor market and at home, as two sides of the same coin, is one of the central elements of the research group (AEDIPI). The phenomena of diversity and situations of inequality in the labor market between different human groups (wage inequality, inequality in access to employment, professional promotion, occupational or sectoral segregation...) are elements analyzed from the fields of Labor Economics, Family Economics and Feminist Economics. Whatever the field of inequality analyzed, it is possible to find a series of common elements, such as the presence of discriminatory behaviors and various barriers that act against a certain group; but also the importance of individual attitudes and existing social value systems, roles and stereotypes. The latter adds a multidisciplinary character to our field of study, where economics, sociology and psychology converge. Rigorous knowledge of the causes of the inequalities observed in the labor market and at home, in which different factors interact, should serve for the correct design of public equality policies. Therefore, another of the main objectives of the research group is to analyze public equality policies, both by evaluating their results and contributing to their correct design. + info
  • International and Spanish Political Economy The objective of the research group is to contribute to the development and application of scientific knowledge, proposing measures that can be implemented in public policies, both at national and international level. Among the areas of interest of the research group are environmental economics and policy (energy, climate change, water,...), Euro-Mediterranean relations, economic development, governance, and sustainability in general, with its environmental, economic and social pillars, which includes gender equality.


  • Sustainability@Leave (2022-2026)  Parental Leave Policies and Social Sustainability. European Cooperation in Science &Technology CA21150 IP: Thordis Reimer & Margaret O´Brien.
  • Men in Care: Workplace Support for Caring Masculinities (MiC) EaSI-PROGRESS, CE:, DG EMPL VS/2018/0417), IP: Teresa Jurado (UNED), (2019-2022) +info
  • Gradual equalisation of paternity leave with maternity leave in Spain: evaluation, biases, perspectives and equality policies" Share responsibility between women and men in family care is a prerequisite for the permanent reduction of gender inequalities that still persist in the labor market. Currently, many parental leave systems are being reformed to give full coverage to fathers. In Spain, the scenario from now to 2021 is the progressive extension of paternity leave, until it converges with the 16 weeks that working mothers currently have. The process of equalization towards equal and non-transferable leaves constitutes a reform of great economic and social importance. Therefore, it is necessary to accompany the progressive implementation of this measure of a rigorous evaluation of its effects, as well as of an identification of the obstacles that may exist to the use of these benefits by the eligible fathers. +info
  • Inclusion of the gender perspective in teaching innovation. Project aimed at expanding the incorporation of the gender perspective in teaching and research work, observing the results of different active and passive strategies and the effects on students and faculty.  PI: Cristina Castellanos Serrano (UNED) (2021-2022)

N.º of recognized sections of research activity




    Castellanos-Serrano, C., Escot, L. & Fernández-Cornejo, J.A., (2023), Parental Leave System Design Impacts on Its Gendered Use: Paternity Leave Introduction in Spain, Family Relations https://doi.org/10.1111/fare.12875 (Open access)

    Castellanos Serrano, C., & Rodríguez, C. (2023). Labour and Gender Equality Policy: parental leave, breastfeeding and child well-being. International Review of Economic Policy: Revista Internacional de Política Económica, 5(1), 89-116. https://doi.org/10.7203/IREP.5.1.26980 (Open Access)

    Martínez-Pastor, J.I.; Fernández-Lozano, I.; Jurado-Guerrero, T.; Castellanos-Serrano, C. (2022 online), Caring Fathers in Europe: towards Universal Caregiver Families?, Gender, Work & Organization. https://doi.org/10.1111/gwao.12948 (Open access)

    Castellanos-Serrano, C. (2022). Reformar y evaluar el permiso de nacimiento y cuidado de menor para asegurar el objetivo de corresponsabilidad. IgualdadES, 7, 579-609. https://doi.org/10.18042/cepc/IgdES.7.08 (Open access)

    Castellanos-Serrano C, Escribano G, Paredes-Gázquez J, San-Martín González E (2022) What is behind the gender gap in economics distance education: Age, work-life balance and COVID-19. PLOS ONE 17(8): e0272341.  https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0272341 (Open access)

    Castellanos-Serrano, C. y Perondi, A. C. (2022). Presupuestos y legislación con perspectiva de género: educación 0 a 3, permisos por nacimiento, jornadas y condiciones laborales. Papers, 107(3), e3064. 1-22 https://doi.org/10.5565/rev/papers.3064 (Open access)

    Escot, L., Belope-Nguema, S., Fernández-Cornejo, J.A., Del Pozo-García, E., Castellanos-Serrano, C.  & S. F. Cruz-Calderón (2021) Can the legal framework for prostitution influence the acceptability of buying sex? Journal of Experimental Criminology https://doi.org/10.1007/s11292-021-09465-y

    Castellanos-Serrano, C. (2020) Is universal education and care for children aged 0-3 feasible? The case of Spain, Politica economica, Journal of Economic Policy, 3/2020, pp. 317-339, doi:10.1429/99566

    Fernández-Cornejo, J.A., Del-Pozo, E., Escot, L., & Castellanos-Serrano, C. (2018) Can an egalitarian reform in the parental leave system reduce the motherhood labor penalty? Some evidence from Spain. Revista Española de Sociología RES 27  doi:10.22325/fes/res.2018.33 (Open access)

    Fernández-Cornejo, J.A., Escot, L., Del-Pozo, E. & Castellanos-Serrano, C. (2016) Do Fathers  Who Took Childbirth Leave Become More Involved in Their Children’s Care? The case of Spain. Journal of Comparative Family Studies, XLVII(2), pp. 169-191.  https://doi.org/10.3138/jcfs.47.2.169


    A complete list of publications and their impact in the different bibliographic indexes can be accessed from the UNED Research Portal web page.


    Castellanos Serrano, C. (2023). Políticas de igualdad de género y laborales. En J. Casares Ripol y E. San Martín González (Eds.), Política Económica Española. Lecciones. Civitas.

    Castellanos Serrano, C. (2023). Políticas económicas para la igualdad de género en la Unión Europea. En M. R. Czubala Ostapiuk (Ed.), La Unión Europea en movimiento. Dimensiones de la gobernanza económica. Tirant lo Blanch. 

    Jurado Guerrero T, Castellanos-Serrano C, Fernández-Lozano I, Fernández Novo A. (2021) Joint responsibility and work, personal and family life balance in Spain. Inequalities and transformations following COVID-19. UNAF. 

    Castellanos Serrano, C. (2019) Una reforma del sistema de permisos parentales liderada por mujeres, en Calderón Patier, C. y Mateos de Cabo, R. (coord.) “Barreras e impulsores del desarrollo profesional de las mujeres Tiempo de soluciones”. Tirant lo Blanch

    Corlyon, J., Stock, L., Castellanos, C. & M. Grieve (2014) “Personal Relationships and Poverty: An Evidence and Policy Review”, en JRF “Reducing Poverty in the UK: a collection of evidence reviews”, Joseph Rowntree Foundation, p126-129.

    Castellanos Serrano, C. y Henar, L.; (2012) Incidencia de la igualdad en la productividad y competitividad empresarial, Emakunde-Instituto Vasco de la Mujer.

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