Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia - UNED

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(+34) 91398-8405

Academic Information

PhD in Artificial Intelligence at the Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia in 2009.
Computer Engineer at the Universidad de Málaga in 2003.

Research activity

Areas of Interest: Decision Making, Machine Learning, Bayesian networks, Influence diagrams, and Statistics.

Educational management experience

He was Academic Secretary of the Department of Artificial Intelligence at UNED from June 2017 to May 2020.

He is Academic Secretary of the Department of Statistics, Operations Research and Numerical Calculation at UNED from October 2022.


N.º of recognized sections of teacher evaluation




  • CISIAD: "Research Centre for Intelligent Decision-Support Systems" The main objective of the CISIAD is to do research on probabilistic graphical models (PGMs), such as Bayesian networks and influence diagrams, and their applications in diagnosis and decision making, especially in medicine. The CISIAD is also interested in the application of statistical multivariate analysis and economical evaluation techniques. www.cisiad.uned.es + info


  • Cost-effective breast cancer screening with mammography, ultrasound and thermography (MammoEchoThermo) The main objective of this project is to develop a comprehensive decision support system for breast cancer screening. The system will be able to determine the optimal screening pattern for each woman based on her age and her risk factors (family history, breast density, lifestyle, use of contraceptives, hormone replacement therapy, etc.). The boss It will indicate which tests must be carried out, in what order and with what frequency, with cost-effectiveness criteria. In addition, the system will be able to interpret images from the three techniques (mammography, ultrasound and thermography), generate written reports for each of them and combine the findings in order to determine, in the event of suspicious signs, the most appropriate diagnostic tests. + info

N.º of recognized sections of research activity



    1. C. Lacave, M. Luque, and F. J. Díez. Explanation of Bayesian networks and influence diagrams in Elvira. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics—Part B: Cybernetics, 37:952–965, 2007. DOI: 10.1109/ TSMCB.2007.896018
    2. M. Luque and F. J. Díez. Variable elimination for influence diagrams with super-value nodes. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 51:615–631, 2010. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijar.2009.11.004
    3. A. R. Anaya, M. Luque, and T. García-Saiz. Recommender system in collaborative learning environment using an influence diagram. Expert Systems with Applications, 40:7193–7202, 2013. DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa. 2013.07.030
    4. M. Luque, T. D. Nielsen, and F. V. Jensen. Anytime decision-making based on unconstrained influence diagrams. International Journal of Intelligent Systems, 31:379–398, 2016b. DOI: 10.1002/int.21780
    5. A. R. Anaya, M. Luque, and M. Peinado. A visual recommender tool in a collaborative learning experience. Expert Systems with Applications, 45: 248–259, 2016. DOI: 10.1016/j.eswa.2015.01.071
    6. M. Luque, F. J. Díez, and C. Disdier. Optimal sequence of tests for the mediastinal staging of non-small cell lung cancer. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 16:1–14, 2016a. DOI: 10.1186/ s12911-016-0246-y
    7. F. J. Díez, M. Yebra, I. Bermejo, M. A. Palacios-Alonso, M. Arias, M. Luque, and J. Pérez-Martín. Markov influence diagrams: A graphical tool for cost-effectiveness analysis. Medical Decision Making, 37:183–195, 2017. DOI: 10.1177/0272989X16685088
    8. E. Letón, E. M. Molanes-López, M. Luque, and R. Conejo. Video podcast and illustrated text feedback in a web-based formative assessment environment. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 26: 187–202, 2018. DOI: 10.1002/cae.21869
    9. F. J. Díez, M. Luque, and I. Bermejo. Decision analysis networks. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 96:1–17, 2018a. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijar.2018.02.007
    10. A. R. Anaya, M. Luque, E. Letón, and F. Hernández del Olmo. Automatic assignment of reviewers in an online peer assessment task based on social interaction. Expert Systems, 36:e12405, 2019. DOI: 10.1111/exsy.12405
    11. R. Sánchez-Cauce, J. Pérez-Martín, and M. Luque. Multi-input convolutional neural network for breast cancer detection using thermal images and clinical data. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 204:106045, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.cmpb.2021.106045
    12. F. J. Díez, M. Luque, M. Arias, and J. Pérez-Martín. Cost-effectiveness analysis with unordered decisions. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, page 102064, 2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.artmed.2021.102064
    13. F. J. Díez, M. Arias, J. Pérez-Martín, and M. Luque. Teaching Probabilistic Graphical Models with Openmarkov. Mathematics, 10: 3577, 2022. DOI: 10.3390/math10193577
    1. M. Luque and F. J. Díez. Variable elimination for influence diagrams with super-value nodes. In P. Lucas, editor, Proceedings of the Second European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM’04), page 145–152, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2004
    2. M. Luque, F. J. Díez, and C. Disdier. Influence diagrams for medical decision problems: Some limitations and proposed solutions. In J. H. Holmes and N. Peek, editors, Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Data Analysis in Medicine and Pharmacology (IDAMAP’05), page 85–86, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, 2005a
    3. M. Luque, M. Gómez, and A. Cano. Diagramas de influencia en Elvira. In Actas de las VI Jornadas de Transferencia Tecnológica en Inteligencia Artificial, Granada, Spain, 2005b. In Spanish
    4. M. Luque and F. J. Díez. Decision analysis with influence diagrams using Elvira’s explanation capabilities. In M. Studený and J. Vomlel, editors, Proceedings of the Third European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM’06), page 179–186, Prague, Czech Republic, 2006
    5. F. J. Díez and M. Luque. Probabilistic graphical models for medical decision making. In ESF-IfW Conference on The Global Health Economy. New Technology and Medical Decision Making, Salzau, Germany, 2006
    6. M. Luque and F. J. Díez. Representación de problemas de decisión con asimetrías de orden. In Actas del II Simposio de Inteligencia Computacional, Zaragoza, Spain, 2007
    7. F. Elizalde, L. E. Sucar, M. Luque, F. J. Díez, and A. Reyes. Policy explanation in factored Markov decision processes. In M. Jaeger and T. D. Nielsen, editors, Proceedings of the Fourth European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM’08), page 97–104, Hirtshals, Denmark, 2008
    8. M. Luque, T. D. Nielsen, and F. V. Jensen. An anytime algorithm for evaluating unconstrained influence diagrams. In M. Jaeger and T. D. Nielsen, editors, Proceedings of the Fourth European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM’08), page 177–184, Hirtshals, Denmark, 2008
    9. M. Luque, F. J. Díez, and C. Disdier. A decision support system for the mediastinal staging of non-small cell lung cancer. In 31st Annual Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, Los Angeles, CA, 2009
    10. M. Luque, F. J. Díez, and C. Disdier. A decision support system for the mediastinal staging of non-small cell lung cancer. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Data Analysis in Medicine and Pharmacology (IDAMAP-10), page 43–48, Washington, DC, 2010a
    11. M. Luque, F. J. Díez, and C. Disdier. A decision support system for the mediastinal staging of non-small cell lung cancer. In A. Nicholson, editor, Proceedings of the Ninth UAI Bayesian Modelling Applications Workshop (BMAW’11), page 83–90, Barcelona, Spain, 2011. CEUR-WS.org
    12. E. Letón, T. García-Saiz, J.L. Fernández, J.G. Boticario, M. Luque, A.R. Ascaso, F. Hernández del Olmo, L.M. Sarro, E. San Cristóbal, Á. Rivas, A. Lz. Sosoaga de Torija, and I. Quintana. Mini-vídeos docentes modulares con pizarra electrónica. In A. Sánchez-Elvira and M. Santamaría, editors, IV Jornadas de Redes de Investigación en Innovación Docente, UNED, page 235–248, Madrid, Spain, 2011
    13. F. J. Díez, M. Luque, and C. König. Decision analysis networks. In A. Cano, M. Gómez, and T. D. Nielsen, editors, Proceedings of the Sixth European Workshop on Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGM’12), page 83–90, Granada, Spain, 2012
    14. M. Luque, E. Letón, F. Hernández del Olmo, R. Conejo, and A. Burrieza. Tests informatizados en la docencia de la UNED mediante el sistema SIETTE. In XVII Congreso Internacional de Tecnologías para la Educación y el Conocimiento (CITEC), Madrid, Spain, 2012b. Departamento de Didáctica. Facultad de Educación. UNED
    15. A. Rodríguez-Ascaso, E. Letón, A. López de Sosoaga, and M. Luque. Accesibilidad de materiales digitales de aprendizaje en enseñanzas científico-técnicas. In XVII Congreso Internacional de Tecnologías para la Educación y el Conocimiento (CITEC), Madrid, Spain, 2012a. Departamento de Didáctica. Facultad de Educación. UNED
    16. M. Luque, R. Conejo, E. Letón, D. de Santos-Sierra, M. Arias, A. Burrieza, F. Hernández del Olmo, and F. J. Díez J. L. Fernández-Vindel abd. Creación y mantenimiento de bancos de preguntas mediante el sistema SIETTE para su utilización en la docencia a distancia. In A. Sánchez-Elvira and M. Santamaría, editors, V Jornadas de Redes de Investigación en Innovación Docente, UNED, Madrid, Spain, 2012a
    17. A. Rodríguez-Ascaso, E. Letón, A. López de Sosoaga, M. Luque, J. G. Boticario, M. Arias, and J. L. Fernández-Vindel. Materiales interactivos accesibles para asignaturas científico-técnicas. In A. Sánchez-Elvira and M. Santamaría, editors, V Jornadas de Redes de Investigación en Innovación Docente, UNED, Madrid, Spain, 2012b
    18. E. Letón, T. García-Saiz, M. I. Gómez del Río, M. Jordano, M. Luque, A. R. Ascaso, E. M. Molanes-López, A. Prieto, and I. Quintana. Semi-presencialidad real mediante mini-vídeos docentes modulares. In A. Sánchez-Elvira and M. Santamaría, editors, V Jornadas de Redes de Investigación en Innovación Docente, UNED, page 197–198, Madrid, Spain, 2012
    19. M. Luque, E. Letón, F. Hernández del Olmo, R. Conejo, A. Burrieza, M. Arias, J. L. Fernández-Vindel, L. M. Sarro, and F. J. Díez. Realización de tests autoevaluables em la UNED a través del sistema SIETTE. In A. Sánchez-Elvira and M. Santamaría, editors, VI Jornadas de Redes de Investigación en Innovación Docente, UNED, Madrid, Spain, 2013
    20. E. Letón, T. García-Saiz, M. I. Gómez del Río, M. Jordano, M. Luque, A. R. Ascaso, J. Vega, J. García-Rodríguez, E. M. Molanes-López, I. Quintana, A. Prieto, and R. Santiago. Los mini-vídeos docentes modulares y su relación con distintas modalidades de grabación. In A. Sánchez-Elvira and M. Santamaría, editors, VI Jornadas de Redes de Investigación en Innovación Docente, UNED, Madrid, Spain, 2013a
    21. A. Rodríguez-Ascaso, J. L. Fernández-Vindel, J. G. Boticario, E. Letón, A. López-Medina, A. López de Sosoaga, M. Luque, A. Prior, O. Santos, and L. Zorita. Objetos de aprendizaje accesibles para asignaturas científico-técnicas: Una experiencia integradora de técnicas, procedimientos y actores en la Universidad. In A. Sánchez-Elvira and M. Santamaría, editors, VI Jornadas de Redes de Investigación en Innovación Docente, UNED, Madrid, Spain, 2013
    22. E. Letón, M. Luque, T. García-Saiz, and E. M. Molanes-López. ¿Cómo diseñar un MOOC basado en mini-vídeos docentes modulares? In XVIII Congreso Internacional de Tecnologías para la Educación y el Conocimiento (CITEC), Madrid, Spain, 2013b. Departamento de Didáctica. Facultad de Educación. UNED
    23. M. Arias, F. J. Díez, I. Bermejo, and M. Luque. A tool for Probabilistic Graphical Models. In Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Mathematical e-Learning, Madrid, Spain, 2013
    24. A. R. Anaya and M. Luque. An Influence Diagram for the Collaboration in E-learning Environments. In 5th. International Work-conference On The Interplay Between Natural And Artificial Computation, page 235–244. Springer, Mallorca, Spain, 2013. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-38637-4_24
    25. F. J. Díez, M. Yebra, I. Bermejo, M. A. Palacios-Alonso, M. Arias, M. Luque, M. Sculpher, M. Soares, and C. Rothery. Cost-effectiveness analysis with Markov influence diagrams. In 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, St. Louis, MO, 2015
    26. A. R. Anaya and M. Luque. Herramienta visual que muestra la situación del estudiante en una experiencia de aprendizaje colaborativo. In M. Rodríguez-Artacho, editor, II Jornadas de Innovación y Tecnologías Educativas (JITE), UNED, page 1–2, Madrid, Spain, 2016
    27. M. Arias, M. A. Artaso, I. Bermejo, F. J. Díez, M. Luque, and J. Pérez-Martín. Advanced algorithms for medical decision analysis. Implementation in OpenMarkov. In Proceedings of the 16th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine (AIME 2017), Vienna, Austria, 2017a. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-59758-4_43
    28. M. Arias, M. Luque, J. Pérez-Martín, and F. J. Díez. Cost-effectiveness analysis with decision analysis networks. In Annual Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision Making, Pittsburgh, PA, 2017b
    29. M. Luque, M. Arias, and F. J. Díez. Synthesis of strategies in influence diagrams. In Proceedings of the Thirty-third Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI’17), page 1–9, Corvallis, OR, 2017. AUAI Press. URL http://auai.org/uai2017/proceedings/papers/134.pdf
    30. F. J. Díez, M. Luque, J. Pérez-Martín, and M. Arias. Research on medical decision analysis at the CISIAD, UNED. In Proceedings of the XVIII Conference of the Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence (CAEPIA-2018), Granada, Spain, 2018b
    31. M. Arias, J. Pérez-Martín, M. Luque, and F. J. Díez. OpenMarkov, an open-source tool for probabilistic graphical models. In S. Kraus, editor, Proceedings of the Twenty-eighth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI’19), page 6485–6487, Macao, China, 2019. Morgan Kaufmann. DOI: 10.24963/ijcai.2019/931

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  • OTHER PUBLICATIONS Technical reports

    1. M. Luque and F. J. Díez. Variable elimination for influence diagrams with super-value nodes. Technical Report DIA-08-01, Dpto. Inteligencia Artificial, UNED, Madrid, Spain, 2008
    2. M. Luque, T. D. Nielsen, and F. V. Jensen. An anytime algorithm for evaluating unconstrained influence diagrams. Technical Report CISIAD-10-05, Dept. Artificial Intelligence, UNED, Madrid, Spain, 2010b
    3. F. J. Díez, M. Luque, C. König, and I. Bermejo. Decision analysis networks. Technical Report CISIAD-14-01, UNED, Madrid, Spain, 2014

    Doctoral thesis

    1. M. Luque. Probabilistic Graphical Models for Decision Making in Medicine. PhD thesis, UNED, Madrid, 2009

Other activities

Experience in educational, scientific and technological management and administration

Academic Secretary of the Department of Artificial Intelligence at UNED from June 2017 to May 2020.

Patents, intellectual property, knowledge transfer

Founding partner of DeciSupport, UNED spin-off specialized in Artificial Intelligence.

Training merits

Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude (CAP) from the University of Malaga in 2002.

Short biography

Manuel Luque was born in Madrid in 1977. He is Computer Engineer from the University of Málaga since 2003 and European Doctor from the Spanish National University for Distance Education (UNED) since 2009. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Statistics, Operations Research and Numerical Calculus at UNED. Previously, he received a 4 year scholarship Researcher Training from the Regional Government of Madrid. He has been a tutor in person and a virtual tutor at UNED since joining this university in 2003. His research is focused on Decision Making under Uncertainty based on Probabilistic Graphical Models, and its applications to fields such as medicine and education. In the area of educational innovation he has participated in several research networks as a member or coordinator, and in one of them he received the Award for the Best Educational Innovation Network of UNED in 2011. He is also founding partner of DeciSupport, UNED spin-off specialized in Artificial Intelligence.  More information is available in
Twitter (https://twitter.com/mluquega) and LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/public-profile/in/manuel-luque-3b356756).