Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia - UNED

fondo titulo






(+34) 91398-8251

Academic Information

Degree in Psychology (1999), specializing in Industrial Psychology, UNED.

Doctor in Psychology (2004) by the UNED with the qualification Excellent Cum Laude by Unanimity.

His doctoral thesis "The Psychosocial Profile of the Entrepreneur" was awarded and published (2005) by the Economic and Social Council (CES).

Academic positions held

Associate Professor with tenure (since 2017). Area: Social Psychology. UNED.

Associate Professor (2008-2017). Area: Social Psychology. UNED.

Assistant Professor (2005-2008). Area: Social Psychology. UNED.

Research activity

My research has focused on three main topics: 1) Leadership, 2) Entrepreneurship and 3) Addictions.

Project: "The leader as a secure base in the military domain: a multilevel, longitudinal and cross-cultural analysis" (PID2020-117780GB-I00).
Institution: UNED Funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation.
Principal Investigator: Juan Antonio Moriano (PI) and Fernando Molero (Co-PI)
Number of researchers: 8 Start-finish date: 03/09/2021 - 03/09/2023

Project: European implementation of CAPPYC (Cannabis Abuse Prevention Program for Young Consumers) and evaluation of their results using a scale measuring attitudes towards drug use.
Entity: FAD Entity Funded by: European Commission
Principal Investigator: Eusebio Megías Valenzuela (PI)
Number of researchers: 12 Start-finish date: 04/2014 - 02/2016

Professional experience

Research stays in foreign centers:

Department of Administrative Sciences. University of Quebec. Ottawa. Canada. From 1-4-2010 to 31-8-2010 (5 months).

Institute of Sociology. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. Sofia. Bulgaria. From 15-6-2003to 15-9-2003 (3 months).

Department of Management. College of Business Administration. San Diego StateUniversity. San Diego, EE.UU. From 1-7-2002 to 1-10-2002 (3 months)

Educational management experience

Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Occupational Risk Prevention: Occupational Safety, Industrial Hygiene and Ergonomics and Applied Psychosociology. October 23, 2018 - June 10, 2021.

Director of the Center for Attention to University Students with Disabilities (UNIDIS). Position assimilated to Dean. December 1, 2013 - February 1, 2016

Vice-Dean for Innovation, Technology and Mobility of the Faculty of Psychology. 1 April 2013 - 25 November 2013.

Vice-Dean of Students and Continuing Education of the Faculty of Psychology. 1 September 2010 - 1 April 2013.

Secretary of the Faculty of Psychology. 24 April 2009 - 1 April 2010.

Assistant Secretary of the Faculty of Psychology. 13 January 2009 - 23 April 2009.

Assistant Secretary for the Construction of the New Degree of the Faculty of Psychology. November 18, 2007 - January 12, 2009.



  • PSYCHOSOCIAL PROCESSES AND HEALTH IN INDIVIDUALS, GROUPS AND ORGANIZATIONS We conduct research on various issues such as leadership (transformational and authentic), factors influencing entrepreneurial behaviors ing retirement age. +info
  • Innovative digital methodologies based on web 3.0 tools to implement in the renewal of learning outcomes and specific competencies (GIDMID3.0). Design or renovation of active methodologies that enrich the teaching-learning process in the official undergraduate and master's degrees of the UNED.   +info


  • THE LEADER AS A SECURE BASE IN THE MILITARY ENVIRONMENT: A MULTILEVEL, LONGITUDINAL, CROSS-CULTURAL ANALYSIS Leadership is now conceived as a psychosocial process in which the leader, the followers and the situation are interactively involved. One aspect that all positive leadership models share is that, in order to achieve their influence, leaders must achieve a relationship of trust with their subordinates.  The need for security varies greatly, depending both on the personal characteristics of the subordinate and the context in which the group carries out its activity. Thus, the work of a military unit deployed in a conflict zone is not the same as the work in a department that, more or less routinely, carries out its work within an organization. In any case, the trust of subordinates in their leader, i.e. the perception of the leader as a secure base, has important consequences both in organizational performance and in the prevention of stress and burnout.   +info
  • The Cannabis Abuse Prevention Program for Young Consumers (CAPPYC) Initiative supported by the European Commission, within the framework of the "Drug Prevention and Information Programme", whose objective is to promote a lower consumption of cannabis among young people between 15 and 18 years of age, through a direct influence on the underlying attitudes to such consumption.   +info

N.º of recognized sections of research activity



  • PUBLICATIONS IN MAGAZINES Cabrera, V., Ordoñez, A., González, I., Civantos, V., Moriano, J.A. & Lloret, D. (2022). Evaluación de la eficacia de un programa de prevención escolar del consumo de alcohol y cannabis entre adolescentes. Revista Española de Salud Pública, 96(1), e1-e18. JCR (2020) = 0.756; Q4 (170/176; Public, Environmental & Occupational Health)

    Edú-Valsania, S., Laguía, A. & Moriano, J.A. (2022). Burnout: A Review of Theory and Measurement. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(3), 1780. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19031780 JCR (2020) = 3.390; Q1 (42/176; Public, Environmental & Occupational Health)

    Edú-Valsania, S., Laguía, A. & Moriano, J.A. (2022). Validation and adaptation of the multidimensional servant leadership scale in Spanish population. Current Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-021-02522-9 JCR (2020) = 4.297; Q1 (23/140; Psychology, Multidisciplinary)

    Laguía, A., Wach, D., Garcia-Ael, C. & Moriano, J.A. (2022), “Think entrepreneur – think male”: the effect of reduced gender stereotype threat on women's entrepreneurial intention and opportunity motivation, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJEBR-04-2021-0312 JCR (2020) = 4.412; Q2 (97/226; Management)

    Laguía, A., & Moriano, J. A. (2021). Perceived representation of entrepreneurship in the mass media and entrepreneurial intention. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 17(1), 401-421. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11365-019-00609-1 JCR (2020) = 5.940; Q2 (62/226; Management)

    Laguía, A., Moriano, J.A., Molero, F., García-Ael, C., & van Dick, R. (2021). Identity leadership and work Engagement in Spain: A Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the Identity Leadership Inventory. Universitas Psychologica, 20, 1-13. https://doi.org/10.11144/Javeriana.upsy20.ilwe JCR (2020) = 0.446; Q4 (136/140; Psychology, Multidisciplinary)

    Moriano, J. A., Molero, F., Laguía, A., Mikulincer, M., & Shaver, P. R. (2021). Security Providing Leadership: A Job Resource to Prevent Employees’ Burnout. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(23), 12551. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph182312551 JCR (2020) = 3.390; Q1 (42/176; Public, Environmental & Occupational Health)

    Sainz, M., Delgado, N., & Moriano, J. A. (2021). The Link Between Authentic Leadership, Organizational Dehumanization and Stress at Work. Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 37(2), 85-92. https://doi.org/10.5093/jwop2021a9 JCR (2020) = 2.478; Q3 (51/83; Psychology, Applied)

    van Dick, R.; Cordes, B.L.; Lemoine, J.E.; Steffens, N.K.; Haslam, S.A.; Akfirat, S.A.; Ballada, C.J.A.; Bazarov, T.; Aruta, J.J.B.R.; Avanzi, L.; Bodla, A.A.; Bunjak, A.; Černe, M.; Dumont, K.B.; Edelmann, C.M.; Epitropaki, O.; Fransen, K.; García-Ael, C.; Giessner, S.; Gleibs, I.H.; Godlewska-Werner, D.; González, R.; Kark, R.; Laguia Gonzalez, A.; Lam, H.; Lipponen, J.; Lupina-Wegener, A.; Markovits, Y.; Maskor, M.; Molero, F.; Monzani, L.; Moriano, J.A.; Neves, P.; Orosz, G.; Pandey, D.; Retowski, S.; Roland-Lévy, C.; Samekin, A.; Schuh, S.; Sekiguchi, T.; Song, L.J.; Story, J.; Stouten, J.; Sultanova, L.; Tatachari, S.; Valdenegro, D.; van Bunderen, L.; Van Dijk, D.; Wong, S.I.; Youssef, F.; Zhang, X.-a.; Kerschreiter, R.. (2021). Identity leadership, Employee burnout and the mediating role of team identification: evidence from the Global Identity Leadership Development Project. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(22), 12081. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph182212081 JCR (2020) = 3.390; Q1 (42/176; Public, Environmental & Occupational Health)

    Wach, D., Kruse, P., Costa, S., & Moriano, J.A. (2021). Exploring Social and Commercial Entrepreneurial Intentions from Theory of Planned Behaviour Perspective: A Cross-Country Study among Namibian and German Students. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 1-22. https://doi.org/10.1080/19420676.2020.1863250 JCI (2020) = 0.60; Q3 (148/285; Business)

    Botella-Guijarro, Á., Lloret-Irles, D., Segura-Heras, J. V., Cabrera-Perona, V., & Moriano, J. A. (2020). A Longitudinal Analysis of Gambling Predictors among Adolescents. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(24), 9266. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17249266 JCR (2020) = 3.390; Q1 (42/176; Public, Environmental & Occupational Health)

    Rodríguez-Cifuentes, F., Fernández-Salinero, S., Moriano, J. A., & Topa, G. (2020). Presenteeism, overcommitment, workplace bullying, and job satisfaction: a moderated mediation relationship. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(22), 8616. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph17228616 JCR (2020) = 3.390; Q1 (42/176; Public, Environmental & Occupational Health)

    Kruse, P., Wach, D., Costa, S., & Moriano, J. A. (2019). Values matter, Don’t They?–combining theory of planned behavior and personal values as predictors of social entrepreneurial intention. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 10(1), 55-83. https://doi.org/10.1080/19420676.2018.1541003 JCI (2020) = 0.60; Q3 (148/285; Business)

    Laguía, A., García-Ael, C., Wach, D., & Moriano, J. A. (2019). “Think entrepreneur-think male”: a task and relationship scale to measure gender stereotypes in entrepreneurship. International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal, 15(3), 749-772. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11365-018-0553-0 JCR (2019) = 2.537; Q2 (71/226; Management)

    Laguía, A., Moriano, J. A., & Gorgievski, M. J. (2019). A psychosocial study of self-perceived creativity and entrepreneurial intentions in a sample of university students. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 31, 44-57. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsc.2018.11.004 JCR (2019) = 2.068; Q2 (85/263; Education & Educational Research)

    Laguna, M., Walachowska, K., Gorgievski, M. J., & Moriano, J. A. (2019). Authentic leadership and employees’ innovative behaviour: a multilevel investigation in three countries. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(21), 4201. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph16214201
    JCR (2019) = 2.849; Q1 (32/171; Public, Environmental & Occupational Health)

    Molero, F., Mikulincer, M., Shaver, P. R., Laguía, A., & Moriano, J. A. (2019). The Development and Validation of the Leader as Security Provider Scale. Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 35(3), 183–193. https://doi.org/10.5093/jwop2019a20 JCR (2019) = 1.565; Q3 (54/84; Applied Psychology)

    Morell-Gomis, R., Moriano, J. A., Laguía, A., Dias, P., & Lloret, D. (2019). Adolescents cannabis use intention: validating a theory of planned behavior questionnaire in four European countries. Journal of Substance Use, 24(1), 66-72. https://doi.org/10.1080/14659891.2018.1510050 JCR (2019) = 0.723; Q4 (35/36; Substance Abuse)

    Pastor, A., Molero, F., Bardera, M. P., & Moriano, J. A. (2019). Authentic leadership and its relationships with work engagement and organizational citizenship behaviors in military units: The role of identification as a mediating variable. Military Psychology, 31(5), 414-424. https://doi.org/10.1080/08995605.2019.1646078 JCR (2019) = 0.819; 107/138; Q4 (Psychology, Multidisciplinary)

    Azanza, G., Gorgievski, M. J., Moriano, J. A., & Molero, F. (2018). Influencing salespeople’s work outcomes through authentic leadership. Leadership and Organizational Development Journal, 39, 7, 926–944. https://doi.org/10.1108/LODJ-05-2017-0113 JCR (2018) = 1.462; Q3 (155/217; Management)

    Gorgievski, M. J., Stephan, U., Laguna, M., & Moriano, J. A. (2018). Predicting entrepreneurial career intentions: values and the theory of planned behavior. Journal of Career Assessment, 26(3), 457-475. https://doi.org/10.1177/1069072717714541 JCR (2018) = 1.707; Q3 (43/82; Applied Psychology)

    Laguia, A., Jaén, I., Topa, G., & Moriano, J.A. (2018). University environment and entrepreneurial intention: the mediating role of the components of the theory of planned behaviour / El entorno universitario y la intención emprendedora: el papel mediador de la teoría de la acción planificada. Revista de Psicología Social, 34(1), 137-167. https://doi.org/10.1080/02134748.2018.1542789 JCR (2018) = 0.551; Q4 (63/64; Psychology, Social)

    Lloret, D., Morell-Gomis, R., Laguía, A., & Moriano, J. A. (2018). Diseño y validación de una escala de intención de consumo de cannabis (CUIQ) para adolescentes Design and validation of a Cannabis Use Intention Questionnaire (CUIQ) for adolescents. Adicciones, 30(1), 54-65. https://doi.org/10.20882/adicciones.865 JCR (2018) = 3.167; Q1 (6/35; Substance Abuse)

    Morell-Gomis, R., Lloret, D., Moriano, J. A., Edú, S., & Laguía, A. (2018). Predicting cannabis use among adolescents in four European Countries: combining personal values and the theory of planned behaviour. Addiction Research & Theory, 26(6), 498-506. https://doi.org/10.1080/16066359.2018.1443214 JCR (2018) = 2.319; Q1 (8/42; Social Issues)

    Laguía, A., Moriano, J. A., Gámez, J. A., & Molero, F. (2017). Validación del Cuestionario de Intención Emprendedora en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios de Colombia. Universitas Psychologica, 16(1). http://dx.doi.org/10.11144/Javeriana.upsy16-1.vcie JCR (2017) = 0.335; Q4 (127/135; Psychology, Multidisciplinary)

    Laguna, M., Mielniczuk, E., Razmus, W., Moriano, J. A., & Gorgievski, M. (2017). Cross‐culture and gender invariance of the Warr (1990) job‐related well‐being measure. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 90(1), 117-125. https://doi.org/10.1111/joop.12166 JCR (2017) = 2.892; Q1 (15/82; Psychology, Applied)







  • PUBLICATIONS Psicología del trabajo. Juan Antonio Moriano León. Sanz y Torres, 2021. ISBN 978-84-18316-30-2

    Psicosociología aplicada a la prevención de riesgos laborales. Juan Antonio Moriano, Gabriela Topa y Cristina García Ael. Sanz y Torres, 2019. ISBN 9788417765934

    Nuevas perspectivas en psicología de las organizaciones. Amparo Osca, Francisco José Palací, Juan Antonio Moriano y Ana Lisbona. Sanz y Torres, 2016. ISBN 978-84-15550-83-9

    Psicología del trabajo. Carlos María Alcover de la Hera, Juan Antonio Moriano León, Amparo Osca Segovia, Gabriela Topa Cantisano. UNED, 2012. ISBN 9788436264173

    Detección temprana del consumo de drogas en Europa. Daniel Lloret Irles, Juan Antonio Moriano León, Alexandra Vázquez. UNED, 2012. ISBN 978-84-362-6380-0

    Calidad de vida laboral en la Guardia Civil: (tres estudios preliminares). Gabriela Topa Cantisano, Juan Antonio Moriano León. Instituto Universitario de Investigación sobre Seguridad Interior (IUISI), 2008. ISBN 978-84-691-7507-1

    Teaching Psychology of entrepreneurship: perspective from six European countries
    Juan Antonio Moriano León (aut.), Martin Lukes (aut.), Marjan Gorgievski (aut.)
    UNED, 2008. ISBN 978-84-362-5568-3

    El perfil psicosocial de emprendedor: Un estudio realizado en Castilla y León
    Juan Antonio Moriano León. Consejo Económico y Social de España, 2005. ISBN 84-8188-255-0


Other activities

Summer courses
  • Summer course: "Emotional intelligence and personal well-being throughout life" (1 ECTS). Madrid I Penitentiary Center (women) Alcalá-Meco, July 2021. Director: Juan Antonio Moriano. Web: https://extension.uned.es/actividad/idactividad/24122&idioma=es
  • Summer course: "Personal skills for well-being throughout life" (1 ECTS). Madrid I Penitentiary Center (women) Alcalá-Meco, July 2021. Director: Juan Antonio Moriano. Web: https://extension.uned.es/actividad/idactividad/24404&idioma=es
  • Summer course: "Emotional intelligence, stress management and well-being" (1 ECTS). CA UNED Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, July 2020. Director: Juan Antonio Moriano. Web: https://extension.uned.es/actividad/22156&idioma=es
  • Summer course: "The roots of emotional intelligence" (1 ECTS). CA UNED Les Illes Balears, July 2019. Director: Juan Antonio Moriano. Web: https://extension.uned.es/actividad/idactividad/18961&idioma=es
  • Summer course: "Emotional intelligence in the field of education" (1 ECTS). CA UNED Les Illes Balears, July 2018. Director: Juan Antonio Moriano. Web: https://extension.uned.es/actividad/idactividad/16402&idioma=es
  • Summer course: "Applications and development of emotional intelligence" (1 ECTS). CA UNED Les Illes Balears, July 2017. Director: Juan Antonio Moriano. Web: https://extension.uned.es/actividad/idactividad/13623&idioma=es
  • Summer course: "Prevention of addictions in adolescence" (1 ECTS). CA UNED Motril, July 2017. Director: Juan Antonio Moriano. Web: https://extension.uned.es/actividad/idactividad/14227&idioma=es
  • Summer course: "Emotional Intelligence: from theory to practice" (1 ECTS). CA UNED Les Illes Balears, July 2016. Director: Juan Antonio Moriano. Web: https://extension.uned.es/actividad/11579&idioma=es
  • Summer course: "Applications of emotional intelligence" (1 ECTS). CA UNED Les Illes Balears, July 2015. Director: Juan Antonio Moriano.
  • Summer course: "Inclusion and participation of people with disabilities" (1 ECTS). CA UNED Madrid, July 2014. Director: Juan Antonio Moriano.  Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


Training merits

University Teacher Training Grant (FPU) (MECD). UNED. Faculty of Psychology (2001-2004).

Scholarship at the Center for Guidance, Information and Employment (COIE) of the UNED (1999-2001).

Awarded in II National Contest of Young Entrepreneurial Projects. Entity: Instituto de la Juventud with the participation of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, and Ministry of Industry and Energy (O.M. 18-9-98