Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia - UNED
(+34) 91398-8008
Academic Information
Ph.D in Education with Extraordinary Doctorate Award (UNED). 2008.
Graduate in English Philology. (Universidad Complutense de Madrid). 1994
Graduate in Hispanic Philology. (UNED). 1998
Graduate in Romanic Philology. (Universidad Complutense de Madrid). 2003.
Academic positions held
Vice-Dean of Students Affairs, Internationalization and Social Education (2017-2020).
Director of the Master's Degree in Educational Inspection and Supervision at UNED.
Research activity
Priority research areas: School Organization and Educational Supervision, Mobile and Ubiquitous Learning, Curriculum Design and Development, and Digital Language, topics on which I have published more than 300 scientific contributions. (Of which more than 100 are articles published in JCR and SCOPUS and more than 30 books as author or editor). I have supervised 13 Doctoral Theses and I have been a member of the scientific committee of 70 international conferences (United States, Canada, China, France, Italy, United Kingdom, etc.). I am being invited as keynote speaker in more than 20 conferences. Currently, he is one of the 30 most cited Spanish researchers in the area of Didactics and School Organization (Dialnet) and one of the 5,000 most cited Spanish researchers in all areas of knowledge. (Ranking 4811 in 2022. Source: https://www.webometrics.info/en/GoogleScholar/Spain).
I have recently directed two R+D+I National and European projects as PI:"Gamification and ubiquitous learning in Primary Education. Development of a map of skills and teaching, student and parent resources (GAUBI)". Ref. RTI2018-099764-B-I00. Funding source: Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation. 2017-2020.
"European SLPS for continuous professional development and lifelong learning." Agreement no.: 2017-3351/001-001. Project Number: 590202-EPP-1NL-EPPKA3-PI-FORWARD. Funding Entity: European Commission. Program: Erasmus+. Key Action 3.ation 2018-2021.
I am the Principal Investigator of the RADTE Research Group: "Methodological strategies for the construction of a distance network of educational technology" (Grup.123) and Coordinator of the MAPE-ICT Teaching Innovation Group: "Didactic models for personalized and scalable learning through emerging technologies in ubiquitous and mobile contexts” (GID2016-24).
Professional experience
Professor of the Faculty of Education in the Department of Didactics, School Organization and Special Didactics. I have worked as a Secondary Education teacher (civil servant, n.º 1 of opposition), visiting professor in the USA (Illinois), member of management teams in different High-Schools, Educational Supervisor I (Inspectorate of Education), Tutor at UNED since 2003 and Professor at the Faculty of Education of the University of Castilla-La Mancha (2008-2011), where I taught in the Early Childhood and Primary Education degrees. Likewise, I have been Vice Dean of Students, Internationalization and Social Education of the Faculty of Education of the UNED (2017-2020).
Throughout more than twenty years as a teacher of Spanish Language and Literature in several Spanish and American educational centers, I have held different positions that have provided me with an extensive, open and varied view of the educational system. Among other positions, I have been: Head of the Department of Spanish Language and Literature, Head of the Department of Extracurricular Activities, Head of Studies, Secretary, Principal, Group tutor, Tutor of university students practicum, elected member of the school council of different educational centers, teacher and didactic advisor in Illinois-Cicero District 99 (USA), responsible for training and ICT advisor in Secondary Schools and coordinator of educational innovation projects and Erasmus programs. Subsequently, as Inspector of Education I have visited and supervised numerous schools and high schools and given training courses to inspectorates and teachers of all educational stages. In addition, I have trained future secondary school teachers in different academies in Extremadura and Madrid.
Without doubt, the most important professional background for me is having taught more than 3,500 teenagers sitting behind a desk (not always) during more than 16,000 hours of face-to-face class. Everything I KNOW about Education, I owe to them.
Educational management experience
Vice-Dean of Students, Internationalization and Social Education of the Faculty of Education. UNED (2017-2020).
Mobility coordinator of the Faculty of Education (Erasmus + Program). UNED. (2017-2020).
Coordinator of the Erasmus+ mobility program with Croatia (UNIRI | The University of Rijeka).
Asignaturas de Grado:
Asignaturas de Master:
N.º of recognized sections of teacher evaluation
- Estrategias metodológicas para la construcción de una red a distancia de tecnología educativa Aprendizaje Ubicuo y Móvil / MOOC y Short Learning Programmes / Tecnologías Emergentes en Educación / Eduación a Distancia, Online y Blended Learning / Diseño, programación e innovación del currículo / Innovación en Didácticas Específicas. + info
- EDUINNOVAGOGÍA (HUM 971) Aprendizaje móvil y ubicuo: Dispositivos digitales y apps. Inteligencia Artificial en educación. Diseño, implementación y evaluación de materiales educativos digitales. +info
- Grupo de Investigación Interdisciplinar en Docencia Universitaria - Educación y Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación/Educación Inclusiva (GIDU-EDUTIC/IN) Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) y su articulación en contextos de aprendizaje. Las TIC como apoyo para la educación inclusiva. Diferenciales de género en contextos educativos. +info
- International Research Group Pedagogy between Constructivism and Realism. Settori ERC: SH4_12; SH4_9 SSD: M-PED/01. Università Degli Studi Suor Orsola Benincasa Scienze formative, psicologiche e della comunicazione +info
- Gamificación y aprendizaje ubicuo en Educación Primaria. Elaboración de un mapa de competencias y recursos docentes, discentes y parentales (GAUBI). Ref.. RTI2018-099764- B-I00. +info
- European SLPS for continuous professional development and lifelong learning +info
- Competencias mediáticas de la ciudadanía en medios digitales emergentes (Smartphones y Tablets): Prácticas innovadoras y estrategias educomunicativas en contextos múltiples +info
- Aprendizaje ubicuo con dispositivos móviles: elaboración y desarrollo de un mapa de competencias en educación superior. +info
- Prueba de Concepto” titulado: “GAUBI-ORTO" Proyecto “Prueba de Concepto” titulado: “GAUBI-ORTO. Evaluación de un modelo y aplicativo digital de aprendizaje sostenible, ubicuo y gamificado de la ortografía del español en Educación Primaria” (PDC2022-133185-I00). Programa Estatal para Impulsar la Investigación Científico-Técnica y su Transferencia, del Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.
N.º of recognized sections of research activity
- PUBLICATIONS IN MAGAZINES More than 200 articles published in scientific journals. More than 100 of them in JCR and SCOPUS databases. https://www.estebanvazquezcano.com/articles/
Ir a Google Scholar
H-Index 42 / H-Index i10 140
H-Index 21
H-Index 16
Other activities
Summer coursesSpecific information about summer courses
Permanent education- Director del Máster en Formación Permanente en "Inspección y Supervisión Educativa". (UNED).
Director de los siguientes cursos de Formación del Profesorado:
- "La Inspección y Supervisión de los Centros Educativos". UNED
- "Cómo hacer una unidad didáctica en LOMLOE. Primaria y Secundaria". UNED
- "Cómo hacer una programación y unidad didáctica en Formación Profesional". UNED
- "Cómo hacer una programación didáctica en LOMLOE. Primaria y Secundaria". UNED
Editor y miembro del consejo editrorial de revistas en JCR y SCOPUS:
- Editorial Board of the "British Journal of Educational Technology" (JCR Q1). 2015-2019.
- Triage Editor of the "British Journal of Educational Technology" (JCR Q1). Desde 2019-Continua.
- Editor of "Educational Process: International Journal" (SCOPUS).
- Member of the Editorial Board of "Aula Abierta" (SCOPUS).
- Assistant Editor of "International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation" (IJERI) (ESCI).
Más de 35 marcas registradas en la Oficina Española de Patentes y Marcas (OEPM) derivadas de procesos de investigación.
Un diseño industrial de la APP GAUBI-Orto (OEPM).
Contratos de transferencia LOU (Art. 83):
- 2017 Contrato vía artículo 83 LOU entre la UNED y Telefónica Educación Digital para el desarrollo de una guía para la realización de cursos MOOC.
- 2022 Contrato vía artículo 83 LOU entre la UNED y UGT-Servicios Públicos para el diseño e impartición de cursos de formación sobre “Investigación en tecnologías emergentes, gamificación, aprendizaje ubicuo y metodologías activas de aprendizaje para la mejora de los procesos se enseñanza-aprendizaje”.
Ha sido reconocido por la Web of Science (Publons-Clarivate JCR) como uno de los mejores revisores del mundo con el Premio “Top Peer review” en el año 2019 (Top 1% in Field / The top 1% of reviewers in each of the 22 Essential Science Indicators (ESI) research fields). Asimismo, ha sido nombrado por la Web of Science: “Excellent reviewer”.
También ha recibido el reconocimiento de la revista Comunicar (JCR / Q1): “Diplomas de Excelencia Científica” Premios 2020 (Distinciones a Revisores Científicos 2020).