Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

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Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia - UNED

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(+34) 91398-7822

Academic Information

Degree in Economic and Business Sciences from CUNEF (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Doctor in Economic and Business Sciences from UNED

Academic positions held

She teaches at UNED undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral degrees in matters related to the financial system, sustainable finance and Corporate Social Responsibility.
Coordinator of the inter-university master's degree in sustainability and CSR at UNED
Teaching experience of almost 30 years at the UNED in bachelor's, diploma, undergraduate, master's and doctorate degrees.

Research activity

Principal Researcher in the Sustainable Finance and Social Responsibility reserach group (FINRES).
Research evaluation periods (six years term): 3
Knowledge Transfer evaluation periods: 1
She has been principal researcher in 23 research projects and contracts financed in competitive calls and she has collaborated in 10 more projects.
PhD thesis adviser: 12
Research  primarily focused on sustainable and inclusive finance, corporate social responsibility, responsible banking and  circular economy.

Professional experience

Founder of Economists Without Borders, she has been president of this NGO and promoter of the Spanish CSR Watch.
She was an independent member of the Board of the Spanish Bank Banca Cívica now integrated in Caixa bank.
She participates and has participated in different technical committees or advisory councils of organizations such as the State Council for Corporate Social Responsibility or the FINRESP advisory council.

Educational management experience

She is the coordinator of the inter-university master's degree in sustainability and CSR at UNED and was the Director of the Telefónica-UNED Chair in Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability.
She has been vice-chancellor for planning and economic affairs at UNED for 5 years (2005-2009; 2012-2013).
She was the Director of the Telefónica-UNED Chair in Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability.



  • Research Group on Sustainable Finance and Social Responsibility - FINRES The objective of the Research Group is to contribute to the development and application of scientific knowledge, proposing measures that can be implemented in public policies, both nationally and internationally. Among the areas of interest of the Research Group are the economics and politics of energy, climate change, Euro-Mediterranean relations, water and environmental policy, sustainability in general, governance, circular economy, economic development, etc. Web
  • International and Spanish Political Economy and Spanish Political Economy The objective of the Research Group is to contribute to the development and application of scientific knowledge, proposing measures that can be implemented in public policies, both nationally and internationally. Among the areas of interest of the Research Group are the economics and politics of energy, climate change, Euro-Mediterranean relations, water and environmental policy, sustainability in general, governance, circular economy, economic development, etc. Web
  • IMIENS Instituto mixo de investigación IMIENS quiere cubrir la demanda de formación permanente de los profesionales del sector de la sanidad, potenciar la investigación y la colaboración entre grupos en temas relacionados con la salud y servir de apoyo a todas las instituciones que trabajan en este campo. Enlace a Web


  • From ESG Integration to Impact Investing Project dedicated to openly training citizens, professionals and university students in how finance and capital markets can contribute to financing projects and companies that contribute more to the objectives of sustainable development and the fight against climate change.  In the first output, coordinated by the UNED, the role of socially responsible investments in achieving the SDGs is analyzed and the principles, strategies, and management tools that responsible and impact investment entails will be explained in an introductory way. , with practical examples and case studies. Web
  • Circular Economy and SMEs These works aim to analyze the difficulties and challenges that SMEs face in their transition process towards the circular economy, the management tools and the review of risk assessment metrics and financial products to facilitate said transition. It delves into three specific sectors - construction, food and textiles - and also in social economy companies, also analyzing good practices. Enlace a Web
  • Hacia la sostenibilidad profunda desde el aprendizaje profundo. IP: Carlos Serrano Cinca y José Luis Sarto Marzal. Entidad/es financiadora/s: Ministerio de economía y competitividad Fecha de inicio: //2019 -2022 Duración del proyecto: 4 años. Cuantía total: 42350

N.º of recognized sections of research activity


Number of credits recognized by transfer activity


Other activities

Summer courses

Specific information about summer courses

Permanent education

Dirige en la UNED el Máster en cooperación para el desarrollo  desde hace 18 años y dirigió el programa de gestión en microfinanzas financiado por el Banco Interamericano  de Desarrollo y promovido por la fundación Microfinanzas BBVA ofertado online y presencial en varios países de América Latina. También ha dirigido numerosos cursos de verano y de extensión, cursos masivos en abierto (MOOC), programas de televisión y radio. También colabora con varias universidades españolas en formación de posgrado.





Más de 34 publicaciones docente  relacionadas con la banca, el sistema financiero, las diferentes dimensiones de la RSC, la política universitaria, la gestión de entidades no lucrativas, las inversiones socialmente responsables, las microfinanzas, etc.
Pertenencia al grupo de innovación docente UNED “SALT-CG”. Smart and Adaptive Learning and Teaching Group. GID2016-34 https://www.uned.es/universidad/inicio/institucional/IUED/innovacion-docente/grupos-innovacion/grupo-32.html

Evaluadora de Becas de posgrado y doctorado internacional de Caixa para Europa, América y Asia los programas (varias ediciones)

Ha participado en 58 programas de Radio y 19 programas de TV,contando con la colaboración de profesionales del mundo financiero y de la empresa, dirigiendo algunos de ellos, participando activamente en un par de documentales educativos emitidos en RTVE y organizado alrededor de 30 seminarios y webinars multimedia. Este material además está disponible en abierto en canal UNED y en el canal de youtube de la UNED.

Ha participado en proyectos relacionados con la Responsabilidad social Universitaria financiados por el Ministerio de Educación (2012) y por la Fundación Carolina y el consejo general de consejos sociales de Universidades (2010)

Ha formado parte de la comisión de educación y RSC del Consejo estatal de RSC del Ministerio de empleo y la comisión técnica sobre responsabilidad social universitaria (2011), asesorando al Ministerio de Educación y a las Universidades en el desarrollo de su dimensión social y contribución a la sostenibilidad de los que se han derivaron 3 publicaciones.

Dirección y participación en 5 cursos en abierto MOOC algunos financiados externamente en convocatorias competitivas) entre ellos el curso: The Role of Socially Responsible Investments in achieving Sustainable Development Goals (en inglés, español y alemán dentro de un proyecto Erasmus+) Impartido en 2021 y que se impartirá en 2022.