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Rosa M Huertas obtained her bachelor degree at UNED in 2006 and her PhD in 2013 in the Polymer Science (ICTP-CSIC, Spain). From May-2022 she is part of the Physical-Chemical Department, at the Science Faculty of UNED sited in las Rozas (Madrid, Spain) and she is also associated professor at the Las Tablas UNED associated center in Madrid.

Research activity

 Rosa M. Huertas, has developed a multidisciplinary several research works in the field of materials science (preparation, characterization and evaluation) for bio-technological purposes and environmental applications, both in Spanish and international centers of high specialization (CNRS, CSIRO, CSIC, INA-UNIZAR). She has also assumed research responsibilities in a spin-off development of materials for cosmetic purposes, within a project for the development of polymer models with the aim of encapsulation of smart solar filters. Later, the post-doctoral stage of Rosa María Huertas was taken between 2014 and 2021 in which, Rosa María Huertas, has refined hiser research work, for more than 7 years between at the Nova University of Lisbon and at the Institute of Experimental Biology (iBET), whithin the Laboratory of Membrane Processes (iBet-REQUIMTE-LAQV, Portugal) in the Joao Crespo´s and Vanessa Pereira group. The main roles were the optimization and modification of materials (ceramic-polymer) in the field of environmental remediation and for bio-technological applications.
Rosa M Huertas has also carried out research work and multidisciplinary collaborations for preparation of different materials and application. Some of them includes: preparation of Li cation separation membranes, modification of ceramic monoliths for protein separation, modification of biopolymers, preparation of nanofibers for ammonia sensors, coating of ceramic-polymeric surface-membranes with antibacterial and photocatalytic capacity, among others. R.M Huertas was also previously strengthened by 2 short-term stages in France (Regis Mercier´s group, in CNRS), Australia (Anita´s Hill group in CSIRO), Nanocience Institute of Aragon (Reyes Mallada´s Group, in INA) and in the Biomaterials II Departament ( Luis-María Rodríguez Lorenzo´s group, at ICTP-CSIC (Madrid, Spain)). More recently, in 2021 Rosa M Huertas was granted with a Maria Zambrano contract at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, within the Chemical Engineering Group (Dra. Carolina Belver and Dr. Jorge Bedia group), involving the immobilization of MOFs in surfaces. Moreover, she is also enrolled as volunteer for the establishment of Iberian Membrane Society, between Portugal and Spain.

Professional experience

Her professional experiences involved to work in the development of functional advanced materials areas. Thus, from 2012-2013 R.M Huertas was recruited as a project researcher in a cosmetic company (Suntec Solar, Spain), developing a model for encapsulation of solar filters using polymers.
From 2014 up to 2021, she was integrated as a post-doctoral researcher,whithin the Laboratory of Membrane Processes (iBet-REQUIMTE-LAQV, Portugal) in the Joao Crespo´s and Vanessa Pereira group, with the role of the optimization and modification of materials (ceramic-polymer) in the field of environmental remediation and for bio-technological applications.
R.M Huertas was also previously strengthened by 2 short-term stages in France (Regis Mercier´s group, in CNRS), Australia (Anita´s Hill group in CSIRO), Nanocience Institute of Aragon (Reyes Mallada´s Group, in INA) and in the Biomaterials II  Departament ( Luis-María Rodríguez Lorenzo´s group, at ICTP-CSIC  (Madrid, Spain)).
More recently, Rosa M Huertas was granted with a Maria Zambrano contract at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, within the Chemical Engineering Group (Carolina Belver and Jorge Bedia group), involving the inmobilization of MOFs in surfaces.
Nowadays, she is also enroling as volunteer for the stablisment of Iberian Membrane Society.



  • Physical-Chemical Department Preparation of novel ZIFs with fluorescente response and sensor capacity towards monitoring environment and human health.

N.º of recognized sections of research activity



  • PUBLICATIONS IN MAGAZINES AUTHORS: Ana Paula Marques, Rosa Huertas, Jorge Bernardo, Beatriz Oliveira, João Goulão Crespo, Vanessa Jorge Pereira*
    TITLE: Retention and inactivation of quality indicator bacteria using a photocatalytic membrane reactor
    JOURNAL: Catalysts (Under revision)

    AUTHORS:Carla Brazinha Usman T.Syed, Inês C.Leonardo,Gracia Mendoza,Frédéric B.Gaspar,Enrique Gámez,Rosa M.Huertas, Maria T.B.Crespo,Manuel Arruebo, João G.Crespo, Victor Sebastian *.
    TITLE: On the role of components of therapeutic hydrophobic deep eutectic solvent-based nanoemulsions sustainably produced by membrane-assisted nanoemulsification for enhanced antimicrobial activity.
    JOURNAL:Separation and Purification Technology, 285, 15, 2022, 120319
    DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2021.120319

    AUTHORS: Jorge Bernardo, João Sério, Beatriz Oliveira, Ana Paula Marques, Rosa Huertas, João Goulão Crespo,Vanessa Jorge Pereira *
    TITLE: Towards a Novel Combined Treatment Approach Using Light-Emitting Diodes and Photocatalytic Ceramic Membranes
    JOURNAL: Water, 2022, 14(3), 292
    DOI: doi.org/10.3390/w14030292

    AUTHORS: SS Ana Isabel Rita, Rita Nabais, Luisa Neves, Rosa Huertas, Luis Miguel Madeira, Maria Santos, Sandra Sanches*.
    TITLE:  Assessment of the potential of using nanofiltration polymeric and ceramic membranes to treat refinery spent caustic effluents
    JOURNAL:   Membranes 2022, 12(1), 98
    DOI: doi.org/10.3390/membranes12010098

    AUTHORS:U. S. Taki, I. Leonardo, R. Lahoz, F. Gaspar, R. M.  Huertas, M. T. Crespo, M. Arruebo J.G.Crespo, V. Sebastian, C. Brazinha *
    TITLE: Microengineered membranes for sustainable production of hydrophobic deep eutectic solvent-based nanoemulsions by membrane emulsification for enhanced antimicrobial activity
    JOURNAL:  ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 8, 2020, 44, 16526.
    DOI: doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c05612

    AUTHORS: Geórgia Labuto*, Sandra Sanches, João G. Crespo, Vanessa J. Pereira, Rosa M. Huertas.
    TITLE: Stability of polymeric membranes to UV exposure before and after coating with TiO2 nanoparticles
    JOURNAL:Polymers, 14(1), 2022, 124.
    DOI: doi.org/10.3390/polym14010124

    TITLE: Enhanced solar photocatalysis of TiO2 nanoparticles and nanostructured thin films grown on paper
    AUTHORS: T. Freire, A.Rita Fragoso, M. Matias, J. Vaz Pinto, A.Marques, A.Pimentel, P. Barquinha, R. Huertas, E. Fortunato, R. Martins*, D. Nunes*
    JOURNAL:  NANOX-100423.R1
    DOI: doi.org/10.1088/2632-959X/abed40

    TITLE: Development of highly selective composite polymeric membranes for Li+/Mg2+ separation
    AUTHORS: S. U. Saleem, R. M. Huertas*, S. Pawlowski *, J. G.Crespo, S. Velizarov  
    JOURNAL:  Journal of Membrane Science, Volume 620, 15 February 2021, 118891
    DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.memsci.2020.118891

    TITLE: Microengineered membranes for sustainable production of hydrophobic deep eutectic solvent-based nanoemulsions by membrane emulsification for enhanced antimicrobial activity
    AUTHORS:   U. S. Taki, I. Leonardo, R. Lahoz, F. Gaspar, R. M.  Huertas, M. T. Crespo, M. Arruebo, J.G.Crespo, V. Sebastian*, C. Brazinha *
    JOURNAL:  ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 2020, 8, 44, 16526–16536.
    DOI: doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c05612

    TITLE:  Treatment of a real water matrix inoculated with Aspergillus fumigatus using a photocatalytic membrane reactor
    AUTHORS:   Oliveira, B.R.,Sanches, S., Huertas, R.M., Barreto Crespo, M.T., Pereira, V.J*.
    JOURNAL: Journal of Membrane Science. 2020, 598, 117788.
    DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.memsci.2019.117788

    TITLE:  Solvent Free Process for the Development of Photocatalytic Membranes
    AUTHORS:    Rosa M. Huertas, Maria C. Fraga, João G. Crespo, V. J. Pereira*.
    JOURNAL: Molecules. 2019, 24(24), 4481
    DOI: doi.org/10.3390/molecules24244481

    TITLE:  Novel submerged photocatalytic membrane reactor for treatment of olive mill wastewaters.
    AUTORS:    M.C. Fraga, R. M, Huertas, João G.Crespo, V. J. Pereira*
    JOURNAL: Catalysts 2019, 9(9), 769;
    DOI: doi.org/10.3390/catal9090769

    TITLE: On operation of reverse electrodialysis (RED) and membrane capacitive deionisation (MCDI) with natural saline streams: A critical review
    AUTHORS:  S. Pawlowski , R.M. Huertas * , C.F. Galinha *, J.G. Crespo, S. Velizarov*
    JOURNAL: Desalination, 474 (2020) 114183
    DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.desal.2019.114183

    AUTHORS:  N. Nayak, R. M., Huertas, J. G.Crespo, C. A.M.Portugal*
    TITLE: Surface modification of alumina monolithic columns with 3-aminopropyltetraethoxysilane (APTES) for protein attachment
    Journal: Separation and Purification Technology, 229 (2019), 115674.
    DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2019.115674

    AUTHORS:  I. T. Meireles, S.C. Fraga, R.M. Huertas, C. Brazinha, I. M.Coelhoso, J. G.Crespo*
    TITLE: Evaluation of hybrid polysaccharide membranes for gas dehydration using on-line mass spectrometry
    Journal: Journal of Membrane Science 562 (2018), 1-8.
    DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.memsci.2018.05.030

    AUTHORS:  I. T. Meireles, R. M.Huertas, C. A.V.Torres, I.l M.Coelhoso, J. G.Crespo*
    TITLE: Development and Characterisation of Hybrid Polysaccharide Membranes for Dehydration Processes
    Journal: Carbohydrate Polymers Volume. 191 (2018), 216-224.
    DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.carbpol.2018.03.010

    AUTHORS:  R. M. Huertas, M. C. Fraga, J. G. Crespo, V. J. Pereira*.
    TITLE: Sol-Gel Membrane Modification for Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity
    JOURNAL: Separation and Purification Technology. 180(2017), 69-81
    DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.seppur.2017.02.047

    AUTHORS: R.M. Huertas, K. Marestin, R. Mercier, C.M. Doherty, A.J. Hill, E.M. Maya*.
    TITLE: Polyimide-silica sol–gel membranes from a novel alkoxysilane functionalized polyimide: preparation, characterization and gas separation properties.
    JOURNAL: Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology. 72 (2014), 464–479.
    DOI: doi.org/10.1007/s10971-014-3457-7

    AUTHORS: R.M. Huertas, A. Tena, A.E. Lozano, J. de Abajo, J.G. de la Campa, E.M. Maya*.
    TITLE: Thermal Degradation of Cross-linked Copolyimide Membranes for Obtaining Productive gas Separation Membranes.
    JOURNAL:  Polymer Degradation and Stability, 98 (2013), 743-750.
    DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.polymdegradstab.2012.12.017

    AUTHORS: R.M. Huertas, C.M. Doherty, A.J. Hill, A.E. Lozano, J. de Abajo, J.G. de la Campa,  E.M. Maya*.
    TITLE: Preparation and Gas Separation Properties of Partially Pyrolyzed Membranes (PPMs) derived from Copolyimides Containing Polyethylene oxide side chains.
    JOURNAL: Journal of Membrane Science, 409-410 (2012), 200-211.
    DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.memsci.2012.03.057
    AUTHORS: R. M. Huertas, E.M. Maya, J. de Abajo, J.G. de la Campa*.
    TITLE: Effect of DABA Content, Casting Solvent and Physical Aging on gas Permeation of Copolyimides Containing Pendant Acid Groups.
    JOURNAL: Macromolecular Research, Vol. 19, No. 8, (2011), 797-808.
    DOI: doi.org/10.1007/s13233-011-0813-0


  • PUBLICATIONS AT CONFERENCES AUTHORS: Marques, A.P, Bernardo, J., Sério, J., Oliveira, B., Huertas, R., Crespo, J.G. and Pereira, V.J.
     TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Application of rapid microbial methods to assess the efficiency of a new disinfection system to treat river water. Poster. The 13th Rapid Methods Europe Conferences, 1st to 3rd February 2021.

    AUTHORS: Santiago Martínez Sosa, Rosa Huertas, João G. Crespo, Vanessa J. Pereira.
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Development of photocatalytic membranes for surface water disinfection.Oral Presentation. Euromembrane 2021, 29th November to 2nd December 2021, Copenhagen, Demark.

    AUTHORS: João Sério, Ana Paula Marques, Rosa Huertas João Goulão Crespo, Vanessa Jorge Pereira.
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Occurrence and inactivation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria present in
    surface water. Oral Presentation. Online. 2021-MicroBiotec 21.

    AUTHORS: A.P. Marques, J. Bernardo, R.M. Huertas, J.G. Crespo, V.J. Pereira.  
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Combination of UV-LED and membrane filtration to treat surface water. Oral Presentation. Online. ICULTA 2021- 2nd International Conference on UV LED Technologies & Applications (German consortium “Advanced UV for Life”)

    AUTHORS: B.R. Oliveira, M.T.Barreto Crespo, V.J.Pereira. 2021.
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR Small but powerful: Light- emitting diodes for inactivation of Aspergillus species in real water matrices. Poster. The International Ultraviolet Association World Congress, 6th to 7th June 2021.

    AUTHORS: H.M. Saif, A.G. Gebretatios, R.M. Huertas, S. Velizarov, J.G. Crespo, S. Pawlowski
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: preparation and characterisation of lithium selective membranes. Oral Presentation. Online. 22/09/ 2021 Ionic Transport in Organic and Inorganic Membranes", Sochi, Russia.

    AUTHORS: U. Syed, I. Leonardo, R. Huertas, F. Gaspar, R. Lahoz, T. Crespo, M. Arreubo, J. Crespo, C. Brazinha, V. Sebastian.
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Sustainable production of temperature-responsive hydrophobic deep eutectic solvent based O/W nanoemulsions by membrane emulsification: Exploratory study on antimicrobial activity. Oral Presentation. 2nd Prize for Oral Presentation en la session: Membrane Emulsification.  Online. 7/12/ 2020. ICOM2020- 12th International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes

    AUTHORS:B. Oliveira, S. Sanches, R. Huertas, M.T. Crespo, V.J. Pereira.
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Treatment of surface water spiked with Aspergillus fumigatus using a photocatalytic membrane reactor. Oral Presentation. Online. 7/12/ 2020. ICOM2020- 12th International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes

    AUTHORS: S. U. Saleem, Rosa M. Huertas, S. Velizarov,  J. G.Crespo, S. Pawlowski.
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: High performance composite lithium selective membranes. Oral Presentation. Online. 7/12/ 2020.ICOM2020- 12th International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes

    AUTHORS:G.Labuto, R. M. Huertas, S. Sanches, J. G. Crespo, V. J. Pereira.
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Effect of UV Exposure on Polymeric Water Filtration Membranes Before and After Modification with TiO2 Nanoparticles. Poster. Online. 7/12/ 2020.ICOM2020- 12th International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes

    AUTHORS:  R.M. Huertas, M. C. Fraga, B.R. Oliveira, J. Bernardo, J. G. Crespo, V.J. Pereira.
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Development of Photocatalytic Membranes for Water and Wastewater Treatment Applications. Poster. Online. 7/12/ 2020.ICOM2020- 12th International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes

    AUTHORS: Oliveira, B.R., Sanches, S., Huertas, R., Barreto Crespo, M.T., Pereira, V. J.
     TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Treatment of surface water spiked with Aspergillus species using light-emitting diodes and photocatalytic membrane reactors. Poster. 5th, 6th and 7th December 2019.   Microbiotec'19 . University of Coimbra, Portugal.

    AUTHORS: V. S. Alves, C. Pereira, R. Huertas, J. Bernardo, J. G. Crespo, M. T. Barreto Crespo, V. J. Pereira, M. Nunes
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Analysis of virus’ resistance to wastewater disinfection treatments. Poster. 5th, 6th and 7th December 2019.   Microbiotec'19 . University of Coimbra, Portugal.

    AUTHORS: B.R. Oliveira, S. Sanches, R. Huertas, M. T. Barreto Crespo, J. G. Crespo, V.J. Pereira
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Development of photocatalytic membranes and inactivation of A. fumigatus in drinking water using a hybrid reactor. I LET2019- The 16th IWA Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies. Poster 10th-14th June / Edinburgh (U.K.) / 2019

    AUTHORS:.R. M. Huertas, M.C. Fraga, J. G. Crespo, V.J. Pereira.
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Preparation of Functional Materials for Environmental Applications. 5 th International Symposium on Green and Smart Technologies for a Sustainable Society. 25th-27th March/ Oral Presentation. Ube Yamaguchy, (Japan)/, 2019. Oral Presentation.

    AUTHORS:  V.J. Pereira, R. Huertas', J.G. Crespo.
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Development of photocatalytic membranes and reactors for water and wastewater treatment. 9th International Water Association (IWA) Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition for Water and Wastewater Treatment and Reuse (IWA-MTC 2019), 23-27 June 2019, Toulouse, France (poster presentation) and Keynote oral presentation.

    AUTHORS: Oliveira Beatriz, Huertas Rosa, Fraga Carmo, Crespo Maria, Crespo Joao, Pereira Vanessa (Portugal)
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Aspergillus inactivation in drinking water using a photocatalytic membrane reactor. 9th International Water Association (IWA) Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition for Water and Wastewater Treatment and Reuse (IWA-MTC 2019), 23-27 June 2019, Toulouse, France (poster presentation).

    AUTHORS: M.C. Fraga’, S. Sanches’, R. Huertas’, J.G. Crespo, V.J. Pereira.
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Pilot scale membrane filtration and development of a photocatalytic membrane reactor for treatment of olive mill wastewaters. 9th International Water Association (IWA) Membrane Technology Conference & Exhibition for Water and Wastewater Treatment and Reuse (IWA-MTC 2019), 23-27 June 2019, Toulouse, France (poster presentation).

    AUTHORS: M.C. Fraga’, R. Huertas’, J.G. Crespo, V.J. Pereira.
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR:  Sustainable development of photocatalytic membranes for water and wastewater treatment applications. The 6th IWA Regional Membrane Technology Conference (IWA-RMTC2018), 10-12 December 2018, Vadodara, Gujarat, India (oral presentation).

    AUTHORS:R.M. Huertas, João G. Crespo, V.J. Pereira.
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Preparation of photocatalytic membranes for water purification using a solvent free sol-gel process. International Conference Euromembrane 2018. Valencia (Spain).Poster Presentation.2018.


    AUTHORS M.C. Fraga,,S. Sanches, R. Huertas . V.J. Pereira , J.G. Crespo
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Pilot scale membrane filtration and photocatalytic membrane treatment of olive mill wastewaters. International Conference Euromembrane 2018. Valencia (Spain).Poster Presentation.2018.

    AUTHORS: I. T. Meireles, R. M. Huertas, C. A.V. Torres, M.A.M.  Reis, I. M. Coelhoso, J. G. Crespo
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Development of hybrid polysaccharide membranes for gas dehumidification.4th meeting.Universidade Nova de Lisboa-Yamaguchy University-Universidad de Zaragoza. Zaragoza (Spain). Poster. 2017.

    AUTHORS:  R. Huertas, S. Sanches, C. Fraga, C. Nunes, J.G. Crespo, V.J. Pereira
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Development of photocatalytic membranes for water treatment applications.4th meeting.Universidade Nova de Lisboa-FYama University-Universidad de Zaragoza. Zaragoza (Spain). Oral. 2017.

    AUTHORS: R.M. Huertas, S. Sanches, M. C. Fraga, C. Nunes, J.G. Crespo, V.J. Pereira.
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Development of photocatalytic membranes for water reuse applications.10th Micropol & Ecohazard Conference (Vienna). Oral Presentation. 17th-20th Sept.2017

     AUTHORS: S. Sanches’, R. Huertas’, C. Fraga’, C. Nunes, A. Penetra, A. Rodrigues, V.V. Cardoso, M.J. Benoliel, J.G. Crespo, V.J. Pereira. TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Development of photocatalytic membranes for water treatment applications. II International Conference on Pollutant Toxic Ions and Molecules, PTIM2017, 6-9 November 2017, Costa da Caparica, Lisbon, Portugal (oral presentation).

    AUTHORS:M.C. Fraga’, S. Sanches’, R. Huertas’, V.J. Pereira, J.G. Crespo.
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Treatment of olive mill wastewaters using silicon carbide membrane filtration and photocatalytic membrane processes. II International Conference on Pollutant Toxic Ions and Molecules, PTIM2017, 6-9 November 2017, Costa da Caparica, Lisbon, Portugal (shot-gun presentation).

    AUTHORS: R.M. Huertas, B. Oliveira, J. Serio, C. Nunes, M.T.B. Crespo, J. Crespo, V.J. Pereira.
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Development of Glass Coatings with Antibacterial and Photocatalytic Activity. 5th International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials, Lisbon (Portugal).Oral Presentation.2017

    AUTHORS: R.M. Huertas, C. Fraga, J.G. Crespo, V.J. Pereira.
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Sol-Gel membrane modification for enhanced photocatalytic activity. 5th International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials, Lisbon (Portugal).Poster. 2017.

    AUTHORS:M.C. Fraga’, S. Sanches’, R. Huertas’, V.J. Pereira, J.G. Crespo.
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Treatment of olive mill wastewaters using membrane filtration and photocatalytic membrane processes. 11th International Congress on Membranes and Membrane Processes (ICOM 2017), 29July – 4 August 2017, San Francisco, USA (poster presentation).

    AUTHORS: M.C. Fraga, S. Sanches, R. Huertas, V.J. Pereira, J.G. Crespo.
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Wastewater treatment using membrane filtration and photocatalytic membrane processes. Imagine Membrane Conference, 24-29 September 2017, Horta, Portugal (poster presentation).
    AUTHORS: N. Nayak, R. M Huertas, C. Portugal, J. G. Crespo.
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Functionalization of alumina monolithic chromatography columns by self-assembly of (3- aminopropyl)triethoxy silane (APTES): study of effects of physical parameters and their optimization. Interpore 2016. 8 th International Society for Porous Media and International Meeting.Oral Presentation.Cincinati Ohio, (USA). 2016.

    AUTHORS: I. T. Meireles, R. M Huertas, I. Coelhoso, J. G. Crespo.
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Development of novel hybrid biopolymer membranes for pervaporation by sol-gel processes. Permea 2016 and Melpro 2016. Permea 2016 - Membrane science and technology conference of visegrad countries. Poster. Prague (Czech Republic). 2016.

    AUTHORS: R.M. Huertas, João G. Crespo, V.J. Pereira.
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR:  Photocatalytic and Permeation Properties of Silicon Carbide Membranes Modified by the Sol-Gel Method. NOVA – YAMAGUCHI – ZARAGOZA International Seminar in Sustainable Chemical Processes 2016. Oral presentation. Lisbon (Portugal) Date: 27 th October 2016.

    AUTHORS: R. M. Huertas, S. Sanches, C. Nunes, J.G. Crespo, V.J. Pereira
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Development of New Membranes with Photocatalytic Activity for Water Treatment. 13 th IWA Leading Edge Technology (LET) on water and wastewater technologies. Poster. Jerez de la Frontera ( Spain). 2016.

    AUTHORS: R. M. Huertas, J. G. Crespo, V. J. Pereira.
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Development of novel photocatalytic membranes using TiO2, SiC, SiO2 and Fe-TiO2 semiconductors.Euromembrane 2015. Poster. Aachen, (Germany). 2015.

    AUTHORS:R. M. Huertas, J. G. Crespo, V. J. Pereira.
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Designing of TiO2-based semiconductors for development of environmentally friendly photocatalytic membranes.Summer School. Ionic and Protonic conducting ceramic membranes for green energy applications /. Poster.Valencia, (Spain). 2015.

    AUTHORS: R. M. Huertas, E. M. Maya, C.M. Doherty,  Anita.J. Hill, A.E. Lozano, J. de Abajo and J.G. de la Campa.
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Gas separation properties of partially pyrolyzed membranes (PPMs) prepared from copolyimides containing side carboxylic acid groups. The VIII th Ibero-American Conference on Membrane Science and Technology, ( CITEM 2012).Poster. Salta (Argentina). 2012.

    AUTHORS: R.M.Huertas, E.M. Maya, J.G. de la Campa,  J. de Abajo, A.E. Lozano
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR:  Effect of the silica content on properties of novel hybrid polyimide membranes. 2nd International Symposium Frontiers in Polymer Science. Poster.Lyon (France).2011

    AUTORS: R. M. Huertas, E.M. Maya, A. Tena, J. G. de la Campa, A. E. Lozano,  J. de Abajo.
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Partially pyrolized membranes (PPM´s) from copolymers containing polyethylene oxide side chains. Oral Communication. ICOM 2011. (Amsterdam). 2011.

    AUTHORS: R.M. Huertas, E.M. Maya, K. Marestin, R. Mercier, J. de Abajo, J.G. de la Campa.
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / SITE / YEAR: Hybrid membranes polyimide/silica for gas separation. Oral Communication. V National Congress of Novels Research in Polymers (JIP 2010). Girona, (Spain).2010.

    AUTHORS: R.M. Huertas, E.M. Maya, J.G. de la Campa, J. de Abajo
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Effect of casting solvent and physical aging on gas permeation properties of copolyimides containing  acid groups. Poster.  The VIIth Ibero-American Conference on Membrane Science and Technology,( CITEM 2010). Sintra, (Portugal).2010.

    AUTHORS: R.M. Huertas, E.M. Maya, A.E. Lozano, J. de Abajo, J.G. de la Campa
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Chemical modification of aromatic polyimides with poly (oxide-ethylene) pendant groups for CO2 separation. Poster . XI Meeting of GEP (Specialized Polymer Group). Valladolid,( Spain).2009.

    AUTHORS:R.M. Huertas, E.M. Maya, A.E. Lozano, J. de Abajo, J.G. de la Campa
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Polyimide membranes containing carboxylic acid groups for CO2 separation. Poster.
    XXVI Summer School of Membranes. Membrane Technology for CO2 Separations. Geesthacht/Ratzerburg, (Germany). 2009.

    AUTHORS: R.M. Huertas, E.M. Maya, A.E. Lozano, J. de Abajo, J.G. de la Campa
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Aromatic polyimides with acid pendant groups for gas separation. Oral Communication. IVth National Congress of Novels Research in Polymers (JIP 2008). Peñiscola,  (Spain). 2008.

    AUTHORS: M. Vilanova, S. Zamuz, R. Huertas, A.Masa.
    TITLE / TYPE PARTICIPATION / PLACE / YEAR: Effect of the roost sock on the phenolic and volatile composition in grapes and wines from cv. Albariño. VII SECyTA Meeting. Poster. Granada, (Spain). 2007


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  • BOOK CHAPTER Authors:   Pilar Navas-Parejo, García Rosa María Huertas Penela, Javier Contreras Becerra, José Manuel Muñoz, Félix Miguel Ángel Fernández Rodríguez,  Noelia Fernández Castillo- Capitulo 3- Is research possible in Spain?
    BOOK- The implementation in Spain of a brain gain movement as an instrument for attracting research knowledge (IBGE).Pedro Aceituno et al.
    YEAR: 2014


    Disclosure in "Science Trends ": a platform for scientific dissemination and bridge between academia, industry and society.
    Link posted:https://sciencetrends.com/hybrid-polysaccharide-membranes-for-dehydration-processes
    Title: Hybrid Polysaccharide Membranes for dehydration processes



Other activities

Summer courses

TITLE: Encuentro en la UIMP sobre Postgrado, Competitividad e Innovación como nuevas estrategias para Postgrado.
HOST INSTITUTION /PLACE / YEAR:   Universidad Internacional Menéndez-Pelayo, (UIMP).Santander, Spain, 2012


Permanent education

COURSE : Teacher Training Program-“Disability and need for educational support: resources for university faculty. 1 ECTS credits (1 ECTS = 25 hours).