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Departamento de Física Fundamental

Bienvenidos al Departamento de Física Fundamental de la Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia | UNED


fisica fundamental

Próximo Seminario

El próximo jueves, día 20 de abril de 2023 a las 12h, en la sala 015 de Las Rozas, se va a celebrar nuestro siguiente seminario con ponente JESUS SANCHEZ RODRIGUEZ 

"Biomimetics and Fluid-Structure Interaction: some applications to bioinspired propulsion"
Fluid-Structure Interaction (FSI) describes the interactive phenomena between a moving structure within a fluid. Its applications encompass several fields with a strong influence and interests on biology and industry, from bioinspired propulsion to energy harvesting, for example. In this seminar I will discuss some examples where FSI is combined with biology in order to think and conceive smart innovations for tomorrow applications. Underwater propulsion or aerodynamics are the two examples on which I will base my presentation, with special detail in the theoretical, numerical and experimental modeling.

También se podrá seguir telemáticamente a través de la plataforma Teams en el siguiente enlace:

Conferencia Jesus Sanchez Rodriguez   

fisica fundamental